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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Way Off the Deep End Today - A really dumb Spew.

Insanity comes occasionally... where did this one start? Don't know... but here goes (It's in my head.. gotta get it out... OOOOoooohh I'm SOooooo Embarrassed!)

Thinking of ants right now. I used to watch ant wars when I was a kid and the red ants were attacking the red ants. Why? I think. Hmmm... could it be because of resources?

OK, so now comes the tectonic plates thing...

We humans fertilize our crops... the rain comes and flushes away anything water soluble (including nutrients) and sends it downstream into the ocean where the plankton and other critters eat it, make their shells, die, sink to the bottom of the ocean where they are trapped and eventually sub ducted under another continental plate for a gazillion years, or so.

This tells me that our thin skinned earth is continually being depleted of nutrients and that there will only be a certain amount of nutrients available at any given time.

Not enough for EVERYTHING to survive comfortably (plants included.)

So our "beautiful" mother nature has an insidious side. Plants kill other plants to get sunlight, ants kill other ants to get food, people kill other people to get "resources".

Cats terrify their prey by playing with them before the kill.

How cruel is that mom?

You have NO IDEA where I'm going... read on to a WHACKO end.

I really lost it today! I'm going to wax philosophic.

Thinking about why we humans are in the condition we're in.

Here are some thoughts that I'll vehemently disagree with in about 10 minutes.

The prior paragraphs painted a reality.

Survival is the only thing driving the dynamics of life. It's amazing how many different ways survival manifests itself: massive amounts of offspring, venoms, speed, camouflage, size, fur, .......

We, being humans, like to think of ourselves as being on the top of the survival scheme... we got BRAINS!!!!

Brains dealing with "limited" resources. Hmmm.

So, what do we do with our brains?

Of course, we think of survival! Some of us do well with the survival condition... others don't.

Societies tend to survive well.

People with a sense of "identity/place/purpose" seem to survive well.

But there's "limited" resources: land, food, attention, recognition, stature,.....

Thinking about my current endeavor got me here.

Here I am, trying my darndest to make sure this is a win/win proposition for everyone I introduce this to... else, I won't do it.

Then these crazy thoughts came into my head which made me realize... yes it is.

So is selling rats-on-a- stick.

It all depends on our view of the world and our survival comfort zone.

If we can undeniably see that selling rats on a stick will improve our ability to survive, we'll do it.

If we can undeniably see that we can make our "society" survive better, we'll do it. (Remember? Society = group = practices that improve the survival of its members = armies = knowledge = common purpose = politics.)

I truly love humans and am delighted in the happiness some of us possess. I am also devastated by those less fortunate. Can you imagine being born in a cardboard shack and growing up learning the survival tactics for that environment?

We are all slaves to the "identity" given to us or that we give to ourselves.

Here's some identities popping off the top of my head: cool, strong, smart, rich, poor, disadvantaged, good, bad, clever, creative, persecuted, gullible, honest, caring, beautiful, ugly, fat, thin. We can even put -"est" on these words if we choose.

So... here's my net/net.

We all need to be recognized for something. We all need an identity. We all have this yearning to be heard. We all need to make a difference. I'm not immune to any of these feelings... I'm human, too. So are you.

Here's my message.

Our standard of survival doesn't need to include "-est".

Another thought? Our condition is an artifact of the influences others impress upon us in their effort to be heard/recognized.

Yet another thought. There's a million ways Mom Nature shows us how to survive. Some cushy, some not-so-cushy.

Why not survive cushy? Easy to do when you realize that beliefs, actions, and identities influence how well we survive.

In my research on my current endeavor I realized that success breeds envy, criticism and not-so-honorable competition. At the end of the day I netted out that my current endeavor is honorable and worthwhile to pursue. (This is an ad... yet, again, not.)

Have fun roasting rats-on-a-stick if you so choose.

P.S. Post may be deleted in 10 minutes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Good and Evil

Reminded again that there are opposing forces in this world.

Yep, Good and Evil

I've been told this from day one and I tend to forget that there are indeed evil people in this world. Evil without even knowing it sometimes.

Case in point...

Internet Business Owner #1: "Always provide more value than what you sell."

Internet Business Owner #2: "Sell the "Opportunity", sell the "Dream, That's what they're paying for" ... "Everyone knows that's the way it is. Do you really think people don't know that they'll NOT get what they're paying for? ..that they're paying for the dream?"

Believe it or not... heard these two arguments from two different people from the same company! And they both believe this "in thier heart".

Needless to say, it's a dog-eat-dog out there. Unethical people will lie, cheat, trick, and steal for the almighty dollar at the expense of honest folks. And they're good at it.

So what can an honest person do to find out the truth? Not much these days. Evil people have lawyers, too.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Useful Idiots

Stalin liked youth.. called them useful idiots.

Wrote an email to my nephew last night. I spewed during the stupor of insomnia.
During my spew I realized I should explain something that all parents and teachers should know.

Here it is in a nutshell.... "We all grow up"

What does this mean? (Get ready for a longie.)

We are born with only part of our brain developed. It takes 25 years (+/- 6 years) for this to happen.

During this stage of brain development we acquire certain abilities in our thinking power. I want to relate what I learned in a college course called "Human Development"

Part 1. Growing Up

Just out of the womb, we can't see. We depend on our parents to protect and feed us. As time goes on, we slowly acquire the ability to control our body, crawl, walk, talk....

Can youth think? Not in the same way as adults can...

Case in point.......

A toddler who just learned to walk walks up to a coffee table having two identical glass candy dishes on it side by side. The toddler grabs for one of the dishes and daddy says "NO NO NO! Don't touch that, it'll fall on the floor and break! You'll cut your feet." The toddler realizes at that point that that candy dish is a NO NO. The other identical dish next to it is still "Fair Game"... there is no "NO NO" on that one.

What I'm trying to say is that children cannot think abstractly (= If this...then that.)
Why can't they think abstractly? Because they do not have that part of the brain needed to think abstractly. Children under the age of 12 (average) learn Yes/No rules. They collect rules as they grow up and decide whether they will obey or disobey them.

Infants need to be self centered.... Me Me Me! It's their best way to survive. This self-centeredness will very slowly decrease throughout life. (Even 50 year olds have quite a bit of self-centeredness in them.)

The miracle of our lives is that we progress through several standard processes that prepare us for life, from the wildly imaginary (and undoable) fantasies of a child to the miraculous inventions of our time.

At about age 12, the cerebral cortex (the abstract thinking part of the brain) begins to form. By age 13 a teen will begin this mental high of 'Hey! If this then THAT! WOW!'

These WOW's will make them think they're smarter than their parents who just know Yes/No rules...ugh!

The insanity begins.....

As the cerebral cortex grows, the portion of the brain (the amygdala as I was taught) that controls behavior in a teen causes the teen to favor two main drives... pro-creation and being a member of a group. (Remember, the cerebral cortex is not all there yet so the ability to foresee consequences of action isn't well developed at all... almost like being able to plan only one move ahead in checkers... not 10 like an adult can.)

Teens and early 20's are certifiably insane years. These years are filled with ME ME ME with enough intelligence to get into trouble. Teens can be great liars and not-so-good planners. They know right from wrong... but anything goes to get their way.

My advice.. keep teens on a tight leash. Satisfy their urge to pro-create by promoting art, hobbies, something productive AND make sure the "GROUP" is the family... i.e. We're Smith's, Smith's don't do that.

So how does Stalin get involved in this? Stalin knew young adults were insane, gullible, couldn't see consequences of action very well, and could be convinced easily into doing almost anything. Hitler used this on his Hitler Youth. Our own armed forces use young soldiers because they make the best fighters... i.e. they think they're immortal and will be more easily ordered to face enemy fire and take a hill.

There are all kinds of psychological and medical studies published on the internet that will re-enforce what I'm saying here. See if you can find Harvard Medical School's sugar metabolism brain scans of brain development with age... really cool. (I'm not giving you a link here because I want you to see for yourself and (ugh) think.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Overpopulated? I think not.

I did some thumbnail calculations tonight and this is what I found out.

  1. Let's say we have 6.5 billion people in this world.
  2. If we placed all 6.5 billion people in this world in one place where each one occupied 21 square feet lying down (3ft. x 7 ft.) they would occupy ONLY 233 square miles.
  3. Let's say we use all of our currently cultivated land for food. (6,679,143 sq. mi.)
  4. This will equal 0.65764 acres per person cultivated land.
  5. Let's say each person requires 2200 calories worth of food per day to survive.
  6. This means each person will need 803,000 calories per year to survive.
  7. If we can grow 26,500 pounds of potatoes per acre, this means 0.65764 acres can produce 5,533,463 calories per year. THAT's MORE THAN 803,000 calories!

So my point is this.

  1. The sun can produce many more calories per acre than we need for food.
  2. Cultivated land area can be increased by adding things like irrigation and making our unproductive land into productive land by using things like desalination plants (like Israel does), and doing other things. (See for more examples.)
  3. There's still plenty of unused fertile land we can use to produce food.
  4. I didn't count anything we can get from the oceans and lakes.

We, as humans, like to aggregate into cities. This means what we see is "overpopulation" and start thinking there's too many people on this planet.

Let me know how you feel when your out in the vast wilderness areas left in this world that's not used for anything.... you'll start wishing there were more people around.

The total land area of the earth is 57,506,059 square miles.
(Our total populaton occupies 233 sq. miles laying down!)



Why do people starve? I say politics is the biggest reason.

How can 233 square miles of ANYTHING affect global ANYTHING!

The world has a surface area of 196,939,911 square miles. (i.e. the population occupies only 233/196,939,911 th of the worlds surface area.

That's only 0.000118% that we occupy! Do you really think we have any power to affect anything?

What should we concentrate on for our own good?

1) Food Preservation and transportation.
2) Fuel Production (Just to make life easier and to transport food.)

If the world economy goes down the tubes... we'll all be OK
If we could learn to get along with each other...we'd have paradise on earth for many billions of years to come. (As long as we take care of what we got. And we've got plenty.)

See the world..., see what's left...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Saw a TV program discussing the GULF WAR SYNDROME.

What I got from this show was truly amazing to me.

Here's what I found out.....

1) Everyone's GULF SYNDROME is different so it's hard to determine the exact cause of the complaints our returning veterans have regarding their illness(es).

2) Although I've heard the "conspiracy theorists" talk about the cause and coverup as being depleted uranium, I wanted to wait until the verdict was out.

Depleted uranium is used as armor on our tanks and I believe is also used on armor peircing rockets because it is so hard. When the depleted urnanium is blown-up all kinds of particles are produced which have enough residual radioactivity that the dust can cause chromosomal damage. This dust is breathed in, swallowed, and ends up all over inside the body.

Here's how I see how it works. Our 24 chromosomes regulate how our body functions. They are long strands of DNA that contain instructions for our cells to use to do things like reproduce, how to structure cell membranes to imbibe nutrients and eliminate waste,... chromosomes regulate everything that supports our body.

The residual radiation breaks up these long strands of DNA into peices that float around and can re-assemble with parts from other damaged DNA strands. The result is some chromosomes that are mixed up, can re-produce, and give wrong signals to cells as to how to function properly. The result is a menagerie of cells reproducing and doing the wrong thing! Because of this, there are all kinds of damages being done, some relatively benign, some devasataing (like cancer).

These cells reproduce for the rest of your life which means they do damage for the rest of your life.


Doctors measuring chromosomal damage done by depleted uranium casually used chromosomal damage done by "chemotherapy" as a standard to determine if depleted urnanium damage to the chromosomes was as bad as or worse than the damage done by "chemotherapy".

They use the "SKY" test to measure chromosomal damage.

Immediately I realized that the CAT Scans I get to monitor my cancer (the Dioxin kind) is the "chemotherapy" they're talking about. i.e. monitoring my cancer is giving me Gulf War Syndrome! (That's why "What's in Eric's Head is what's in Eric's head!)

So... are the "conspiracy theorists" wrong? Right now, I don't think so.