The turkey feather is very complex. It is well known that each fiber has edges that work like Velcro(TM) so that they stick to one another to provide a lightweight continuous surface so that the air is caught and channeled for flight.
But when I look at these feathers, I see something much more complex. Each feather has a pattern in it that complements its neighboring feather.
In order for this pattern to happen, each fiber needs to grow with alternating dark and light colors positioned at the right place to match the color pattern of its neighboring fiber.
And, each feather has to have patterns that complement all the other feathers on a turkey to make the turkey look like a turkey.
In addition to this, each feather is instructed to grow to a certain size and shape to augment flight, warmth, camouflage, and sex.
All of these instructions are in the turkey's DNA which fits inside each cell comprising the turkey.
Who can say there's not a creator involved with this wondrous process?
I can't.
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