So much is going on in my head I got "vapor lock" which means the flurry of thoughts up there can't agree on who comes out first. (Sounds like our political systems and news these days, huh?)
My whole world was turned upside down a while back when I heard a caller suggest to George Noory of that he have Ed Chiarini of as a guest.
Since I download's shows so that I can listen to them uninterrupted by slow internet connection, I retraced where the guest mentioned , checked it out and my whole paradigm on how this world works changed.
I spent months now trying to find a glitch in Ed Chiarini's findings, and I CAN'T. I've done my own investigations to check out for myself if I find what he finds. I used different images, checked various timelines, websites, social sites, did the facial and ear biometric studies, and learned how makeup artists can change the appearance of people on YouTube. ED IS DEAD ON!!!! He's LEGIT and is fighting a battle that I wouldn't want to live in. His life is threatened daily, he is harassed, and still he goes on because of his strong conviction that the fakes in our government, fakes all over the world be exposed and prosecuted.
I try to spread the word to anyone I come into contact with, and many don't believe what Ed or I say, which blows my mind.
No one can see how we are fooled daily on the news that is spewing out issues like the Boston Marathon Massacre which has a strong presence of fake actors and untrue propaganda. The Gabby Giffords shooting was pure Hollywood with Arizona's Jan Brewer, Sherriff Joe Arpaio, Gabby Gifford, her body guard, the child that was shot, and the shooter were all identified actors.
We all have been played for fools.
I am spending a lot of time these days, trying to make sense of the world we live in, trying to figure out ways to simplify my life, to become independent, and survive what many believe is the end of our country. You can have your laugh at it here: Entrepreneurs Trading Post
I'm working on one brainstorm right now that at first blush is an exercise in stupidity, but I don't care how others perceive my effort, I think there exists a need for the site I'm building and it will become very important as time goes on.
So, now I spewed out some politics.
Isn't that on all of our minds?
There is a way out. First, we all have to know what the truth is and we might find it in the strangest places. Next, we have to work around what's coming in order for us and our children and grandchildren, and family can survive in the future.
This search had me fining all kinds of interesting, new, and useful stuff like aquaponics and rocket stoves, and how Mr Teslonian makes gasoline, motor oil, electricity, and heat with the setup he shows on his YouTube video:
So, the flurry in my head continues and when I get time, I'll share what I found that I think is pretty cool.
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