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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Whatever Happened to the Best Lie Detector?

Saw a tech program on TV about two years ago showing a new lie detector that could not be fooled.

It involved infra-red cameras measuring the temperature around the eyes. If someone lied, the temperature would go up... and there was no way to control the temperature rise.

They convincingly said it was an iron-clad way to tell if someone was lying.

I would think the TSA would be for that instead of feeling up fat old ladies or grumpy old men.

(Then, again, testosterone rules!)

Our Human Condition... Nothing is Perfect

We all have dreams of a world without war or disputes.

Our DREAM is to have everyone get along with each other, all enjoying singing "Kum Ba Ya" around a camp fire. Hugs and kisses for everyone.

Sounds GREAT!

Problem is:

17% of the human race is born without empathy.
20+ % are born with some form of insanity.

These statistics haven't changed in eons. (Although it's tempting to think they are changing now.)

This means there will ALWAYS be conflict. 17% of our world leaders have no empathy.
20+% are partially (if not totally) insane.


There will always be disputes, wars, injustices..... it's part of our human condition.

We must have our military and all the cloak and dagger stuff to survive.

Nothing is going to change that. (Except for ... maybe... electromagnet ear-muffs.... more later.)