I uncovered an unlimited source of energy that is totally "Green".
Problem is.... an unlimited source of electricity from a device with few working parts that will last a thousand or more years or more without maintenance will change our concept of economics. Money will no longer be a needed. (This is BIG.)
Imagine changing "work for pay" into "work for play". Everyone in our world could pursue what they want to pursue without needing money. Free food, free shelter, free cooling and heating, free everything. Free everything is possible now if we just do it.
My concern is how to introduce this source without impacting our current form of economics. Those in power must see how unlimited free energy will change everything to the good for them, too.
Food, water, pollution, wars, suffering, will no longer be a concern. I can see a society that looks forward to making or playing with the latest "toy". When the latest toy gets boring... no problem, just drop it into the "conveyor" sewer for recycling into a newer "latest" toy.
Unlimited free energy means salt water desalination, costless transportation, no-more "dirty jobs". Machines can be our labor force while we enjoy life as we choose.
I believe there will always be companies that will produce new products... not for pay, but for satisfaction and recognition.
I know this sounds stupid, but in Eric's Head, it's not.
I'm keeping this source under my hat until I can find someone who shares my vision and concerns on how to introduce this without causing harm to those caught up in our current form of "doing business."
P.S. I tried to share this discovery with our Department of Energy and asked for a contact to discuss the idea under confidentiality agreement. The answer I got was "Not my area of expertise. " (Our tax dollars at work!!!!!!!!)
Play with the concept of totally free, unlimited energy in your head for a while. Think machines, robots, separation plants, all on auto-pilot. It's a fun thing to do.