This idea has been noodling in my head and I can't stop thinking about it.
It involves the nasty politics, name calling, distrust, lobbying or lying with an agenda.
This current scenario doe not have to exist if we adjust a few things.
Presently, there are two main activities occurring in our society..
1) Productive Work: building houses, manufacturing products, providing services.
2) Non-productive work: Law enforcement, writing laws, collecting taxes, politics (Yes, all politicians try to get a bigger piece of the tax revenue pie.)
What would happen if our country focused all of its efforts on Productive Work, and eliminated as much Non-productive work as possible.
Here are some thoughts that I invite others to embellish upon.
1) Eliminate any tax responsibility from Corporations who hire people. (This would free up the money and non-productive time that corporations spend on tax accounting, tax lawyers, and all other the tax compliance issues. i.e. the employee would pay income taxes, flat rate, no sliding scale. Say 5% ????)
THINK OF CORPORATIONS AS HIRING MACHINES. That's their only job. That's it.
2) Corporations could not lobby for any special favors or consideration. In other words, if the company cannot provide a service that people want, they will have to adjust their business to supply what people DO want, else fail. No longer could companies come to Washington to lobby/ask for assistance. They are on their own.
This way, companies would no longer have a need to be "evil", there would be no advantage for them. In other words, they could focus all their time and resources to building their business and be competitive
( = more jobs. , more tax revenue)
3) The whole idea here is to create a demand for employees. If employees are in short supply, there will be competition between corporations to get them. This translates into higher pay for employees, training, health insurance, retirement benefits, and other perks to keep and make good employees. (Better perks = less dependence on Social Security and Medicare.)
Other thoughts....
If corporations did not have to deal with taxes, then overseas corporations would want to set up business here in our country = more employment for US citizens = more revenue for national security and major multi-state infrastructure.
States would have to compete for employees. In other words, those states that are more corporation/employee friendly would be more successful. This would engender a need for all States and corporations to compete against each other by improving their products, benefits, and productivity.
The dollar would be super strong, because it would represent real value made by PRODUCTIVE work, not debt or unfunded entitlements.
Corporations and employees will still be subject to the law. Environmental and employee protection laws would have to be in effect to prevent cheating the system.
There should be term limits for regulators:: Congressmen, senators, the president.
Each government job would have a defined and limited responsibility.
Harsh penalties for all cheaters.
Education would focus on entrepreneurship and creativity. Course schedules would be prioritized toward productive work. Laziness would be ridiculed.
Employees should realize that in order for them to be in demand, they will also have to compete against each other. In other words, they would be induced to improve their productivity and support the company to keep it competitive.
Arts flourish in productive societies. Arts are important for engendering creative solutions to current problems.
So..... noodle this in your head a little. I've heard a lot of good ideas from others that could fit into this paradigm and with a little more thought, we could have a society that eliminates much of our human suffering.
Population control? Hmmm.. think about this. If you have a child at age 20, you will be competing with them for your job when you're 44. Or, hows about this?
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Let's Buy Out the IRS
Did a light bulb ever go off in your head and you think its the best idea ever?
Well, I had one two days ago.
It is a way to get us out of our debt crisis.
Let's pass a bill that allows "the rich" and anyone else who employs people
to buy an exemption from filing and paying taxes.
Before you run away from the "smell", please read on.
Here's the situation.......
- Corporations are holding onto capital and not hiring because they are unsure of the taxes they'll have to pay and new regulations they'll have to pay for.
- Anyone who is in a business spends an inordinate amount of time trying to comply with (guess) 40,000 pages of tax code and the 14+ new regulations our legislators pass each week. They have to hire tax accountants, tax lawyers, lobbyists to get tax favors from the government, and spend money under the table to get our legislators to put special interest loopholes into the tax code, and on and on and on!!!
- All of this is VERY Expensive, aggravating, time consuming, and non-productive work.
- Corporations are finding it more profitable to outsource overseas because of the wages, taxes and regulations here in the U.S.
- The "rich" are demonized because they "steal" the poor man's money by not paying them enough, by getting special favors from the government because they are "crooks",.. because they are "evil".
Many corporations HAVE TO be all of the above to be able to compete!
Ethical business owners suffer the most.
May the best CHEATER win. (Else go bankrupt.) - The primary "customers" of most large corporations are its stockholders. If you don't satisfy them, you're toast. So there's always going to be robbing from Peter to pay the stockholders
- Overseas corporations avoid setting up production in the US because of the high taxes, high wages, and complex regulations.
- Unions (which are no longer needed since there are regulations in place to make sure there's no more child/slave labor) fight the "evil" corporations for a piece of the pie that the corporation's need to pay the stockholders.
What if?
- Corporations could eliminate their IRS burden and shift these expenses and focus into growing their corporation?
- Corporations could change the work their tax attorneys, tax accountants, and lobbyists do into productive work instead of reactive work?
- The small businessman would no longer have to be strapped with all of the regulations that the large corporations have to follow? A sole proprietor, single owner of corporation, LLC, or other business entity is responsible for the same 40,000+ and growing regulations as the big corporations are who can afford top notch tax attorneys, tax accountants, and lobbyists.
- Companies overseas could come to this country and set up shop without fear of the IRS?
- These companies didn’t have to be audited?
- Our government wouldn’t have to spend a ton of taxpayer dollars to pay the wages of IRS agents?
- Corporations could focus all of their time on new products, technologies, growth instead of wasting a significant portion of their efforts trying to comply with, getting around, or changing the tax laws?
Here’s my suggestion.
- Pass a law that allows corporations to “buy” exemption from IRS regulations if they promise to re-invest their tax overhead expenses into job creation. This buyout could be an annual fee equal to historic tax compliance expenses.
- All citizens are responsible for paying taxes in the form of a US sales tax? (Flat tax).
Or... more employees means more income tax revenue to fill government coffers.
Expected Benefits:
- No one gets favored over another.
- Corporations won’t be forced to cheat to survive and be able to compete. Their survival will be based on the products/services they offer.
- Investment transferred into productive work would increase innovation and jobs.
- Competition for employees would raise wages and benefits
. - Overseas investment would come to the US because of its business friendly atmosphere.
- Increased productivity would bring more revenue to the government to pay for national defense and other things it is responsible for. (Which isn’t much, according to the constitution.)
- Corruption would no longer be necessary. At least in the tax/favors area.
- Special interests would no longer apply.
- The playing field would be leveled naturally.
The term “cheaters never prosper” will become true again. - Fear of changed regulations would go away.
I know this is all pie in the sky...
but there's got to be at least one good idea in this mess.
Let it noodle in your head for a while...
(This is my way of brainwashing you to think the way I do. :)
Tee Hee
but there's got to be at least one good idea in this mess.
Let it noodle in your head for a while...
(This is my way of brainwashing you to think the way I do. :)
Tee Hee
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