"Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged"
Do you know of any human on earth who has not sinned (Besides Jesus Christ)?
I don't anyone who is perfect. I KNOW I'm not.
Let's face it. All of us have done things we regret and it is very hard to fess up to them.
I don't care if Herman Cain is innocent or guilty. Herman is a human just like the rest of us. We all make mistakes, there are plenty of times when we wanted to say one thing and another thing came out of our mouths.
These mistakes are called "life".
I remember a time when I wanted to help someone. I wanted to forewarn this person about rumors being spread (unjustly) about a mistake this person was supposed to have made. I thought it would help this person deal with the situation if forewarned before things blew up into madness.
When I did this, this person heard something completely different and thought I was accusing him/her of making a mistake. I tried to explain, but communication didn't occur. The SHOCK of the unexpected blocked this person from hearing me trying to explain what I said and that I only wanted to help.
So, what happened from my effort to help? I was reported to upper management with a complaint and went through much of what Mr. Cain went through. It was a nightmare that came from trying to help someone out.
Now, I see Mr. Cain going through the same thing. It is not fun, it has you second guessing yourself constantly asking yourself questions like "What did I do?", "How could I have said this better?", "Am I insane?, "Do I have a double personality?" "What was heard?"
I've come to the conclusion that what we see and hear is what we expect to see and hear. So if I said the water is red, the person who heard me would swear I said the water was blue.
There's another thing that bugs me. Men are supposed to be perfect. How can any man be perfect with a ton of testosterone floating through his blood? IF Mr. Cain had a weak moment, MORE POWER TO HIM. It would only attest to the fact that he is A MAN! Much better than having a wimp running things.
Now the other side... WOMEN.
Did you ever read the book "Men Are From Mars, Women from Venus"?
This book explains that men and women think different. That's why the battle of the sexes.
One thing that women have over men is that they are much better communicators than men.
Men just plod along trying to get their point across. (Relative to women who can talk your head off.)
Let's face it... we all make mistakes, some are embarrassing and we learn from them. Our mistakes help us build our character and we are much less likely to make the same mistake again.
Coming from a man's perspective, if a man propositioned a girl, she should be flattered and can deny easily. No problem.
Going berzerk at being propositioned to says to me there's a mental disorder there. We are all adults and adults can understand the underlying nature of sexual attraction. Gosh, if we didn't have sexual attraction we'd die out as a species. The 7 billion people in this world attests to the fact that sexual attraction exists.
So, all you muckrakers out there. You aren't doing yourself any good.
If your are right about the allegations against Mr. Cain, you are just verifying the fact that Mr. Cain is a MAN, who, like most men, make human mistakes once in a while.
If you're wrong, you are no better than a malicious gossiper.
I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that our memory is not perfect. Memories change over the years much like the story that's passed on from one person to another.
How can anyone relate something that has happened over 6 years ago with absolute accuracy? Lawyers understand this, judges understand this. Witnesses have shown over and over again that they aren't reliable because they can only remember what the perceived and their perception could be totally wrong!
Let's focus on the point that Mr. Cain has figured out how to help us all out. His 9-9-9 plan is robust. You can tell by his lead in getting the other candidates to come up with a knock-off of his plan.
What Mr. Cain calculated was an optimum. Look at the other proposals... 23%????
Any number greater than 9 in any of these other proposals indicates to me that the "LESS THAN OPTIMUM" is being promoted for "SPECIAL INTEREST ADVANTAGE"
Follow the money and see how the other proposals leave in chances to do an end run around the best plan available. Numbers don't lie. Herman Cain knows that.