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Tuesday, July 16, 2013


 I used to depend on FOX NEWS cable channel for the most accurate and "fair and balanced" news. MSNBC, CNN and all the others were definitely biased beyond belief.  But as time went on, I realized they weren't telling the truth either. The great patriot Glen Beck started changing his story, the content on his shows.... all very strange and alarming.  It didn't take me long to realized I was being played just like all of his followers.

I fired TV a long time ago because I could see through their lies and deception in the news, informational shows, sit-coms, all their programming.  I was not going to be lied to and I'm not going to pay good money for those lies.

As you may (or may not know) I am curious about everything and politics is one of them.

I guess my first introduction to non-TV politics occurred when a friend of mine introduced me to which was started by Art Bell and is now aired with George Noory as the main anchor.

Through CoastToCoastAM I learned all kinds of interesting things in all kinds of areas. Since they air between 1-5 AM, I decided to join their insiders subscription so that I could download their shows when it was convenient for me to listen to them and check out the various websites linked to their main site.  I liked the New Tech shows best.

In any event, there were two shows that caught my attention.  One was with Lindsay Williams (a Baptist Minister who spent time at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and experienced BIG OIL in all it's splendor and glory.

I was also fascinated by the fear mongering, conspiracies, and rage on the "Alex Jones Show" that spun a detailed and convincing story about globalists, the Bilderberg Group, and the Bohemian Grove crowd were going to take over our country and the world.

One CoastToCoastAM show that caught my attention had Alex Jones on as a guest. Alex was ranting about something when a he got a caller on line. The caller asked if Alex checked out a site named  Alex summarily dismissed the caller and went on to other things.  This caught my attention, so I went to to see what it was all about.

My life and whole belief system got turned upside down.

I examined and my whole world got turned upside down. Many of the stories I heard on and on the Alex Jones show were bogus, fake, made to instill fear into you. My faith in any information given by these people or their guests has dropped down to ZERO!

I didn't/don't want to believe what's proven in, but my independent investigations align perfectly with the unbelievable proofs shown by Ed Chiarini on his site (

On Ed Chiarini's site I saw some way out stories that said Walt Disney was Hitler, and Henry Winkler (The Fonz) was John McCain as well as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Obama is really the son of Malcolm X = Louis Farrakhan (Oops) more likely Richard Pryor!  Ed also finds out that my two state senators and governor are actors, fakes, imposters! (Believable now based on their behavior.)

So, I started listening to a radio station that I thought was reliable real news, WTN 99.7 Nashville.  NOT!!! All you hear out of all of them are the bogus lies being shown as news in the media.  I told them several times that they are spewing out lies, but they continue to do so.  No response, ignored to hope I'll just go away. I can see their "telling a lie repeatedly enough to make it the truth".  A common NAZI tactic.

I notified WTN 99.7 Nashville about the lies they were presenting as the truth but that did not stop them.  Right now they are hammering 24/7 the George Zimmerman Case which a total falsehood!
This has been going on for over a year. (The story broke Feb. 26, 2012)

I've also notified other news outlets spewing out lies, and have been ignored. The lies continue without any feedback from them as to how I am wrong or a thank you for letting them know about the fake news.

I expect they think if they ignore me I'll go away.  NOT!!!!

I'm sorry, but I don't give up. When it comes to the truth, I am a pitt bull, I cannot unlock my jaw and I'll hang on their back until they come out with the truth about what they are doing.

The Survival of Our Society, Universal Truths

The Survival of Our Society.

(It is understood that available resources are the most important factor in survival.)

In past posts I talked about Human Development and the concept of “home”.

This post will discuss the concept of leadership and how it has to be tempered against the basic drives in people in order for a society to survive.

It starts with what I'll call universal  truths. I believe certain universal truths are encoded into our genes, a part of survival not only for oneself, but for the survival of the species. 

1) Leaders 

All cultures have leaders:  family leaders, neighborhood leaders, civic leaders, county, state, and national leaders.    Go into the deepest part of the Amazon forest where there are tribes that have never seen other societies and you’ll find a leader who is either the strongest one, the wisest one, a religious one, or a health care professional(witchdoctor).  Some societies may have leadership councils where leadership is shared based on the skill set of the council member.

Pack animals like lions and wolves also have leaders. (They also protect their borders: another survival need for a group if resources are available .)

Since “Leaders” are the supposed to be the  most adept at solving problems, or are assigned to do so,  For the sake of efficiency (discussed later), it is human nature to have their leaders solve their problems.

2) Social Interaction:

Gathering into groups is a great way to ensure survival, so the top of the pecking order for all societies are those with strong leaders. Groups require borders to keep intruders from entering to steal sustaining resources.

3) Conservation of Energy and Accumulation of Resources 

(Greed, Laziness, Survival Insurance.)

You can see this behavior in dogs, cats, and other predators.  They have a hunting time and a resting time. They bury their bones and they rest a lot!  This behavior  uses  as little energy possible to assure that the energy they got from the last hunt is available when the next hunt Is needed.
We humans call this laziness or the shortest path to the solution of a problem (i.e. efficiency).

4) Need for Freedom:  Another universal trait for all beings is that they want to do what they want to do, when they want to do it.  No one likes restrictions. Although the sex drive is extremely strong, it is the leaders that have the most power in this arena.

Using this survival/efficiency/restriction/leadership model we can see why almost all societies fail in time.  The reason for societal failure is that the priority of each trait is not in optimum balance.   

Any change in the optimum balance of the required traits needed for survival will assure the death of the society.

A)   If efficiency (laziness) takes over,  more control is given to the leader.

B)   If procreation takes over,  poverty (i.e. smaller share of resources), disease and overpopulation will take over. (It is interesting that populations stabilize if its affluence is high enough.)

C)   If lack of restrictions take over (a lawless society), group harmony and cooperation is destroyed.

D)  If leadership takes over,  the society  suffers in accordance with the leader’s greed and fears.

There have been a lot of experiments  done by extinct societies in balancing of these traits.

Some used are: 

Supreme human leaders
     For example: Dictators, Kings, Presidents, and Popes, supreme leaders)

Religions, Idols and/or gods
    Experts in communicating with the idols or gods tell you what the idol or god says you're supposed to do, are the controllers of the society.  (Much like Popes.)

   A document  dictates the balances of power for each universal trait. Documents are great leaders because they cannot take bribes. Some documents are good, some not so good.

  In a democracy, each individual gets one vote and the most votes win.  The problem with this approach is that in order for a group to "win" over others to their advantage all the group has to do is make more babies.  This unnatural increase in population will strain resources.  The society will fail.

  A republic uses regions that have boundaries that count as "one" vote. In our two party system, the boundaries are divided into two major groups: Democrat or Republican.  A powerless third group called "Independents" could never win an election. However, Independents can vote for either one of the two major parties.  This group can be very powerful in determining the outcome of a two party election.

   Bounded areas that count as one vote are great. They allow residents of a sparsely populated regions like Nevada have a say in what goes on in Washington.

Awareness is a MUST 

Even the best attempt to balance these universal traits, a constitutional republic,  can be flawed if we, as members of this group, allow the powers of the universal traits to waiver from their optimum balance. (Our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights is one of the best attempts to keep these universal traits in balance.)

Note: Unbalancing is most often instigated by a leader, or by special interest groups which aim to take unfair advantages over others.

Each member of a society must temper their laziness (efficiency) with an awareness and understanding of the balance of traits in force in their society.  If wariness is neglected, the society will fail.

OH!!!  We can't leave out Boredom as a factor.

Boredom can be a double-edged sword. If  boredom is not handled with care, the society will fail.

Mankind was not meant to sit still. They get edgy if there’s nothing new happening. This is a good trait in that it can drive  people to expend energy to improve their own and their societie's survival situation.  It can be bad if it drives destructive behavior.  Here is where a legal system is needed to insure that boredom does not disturb the optimum the balance of the universal traits.



Our nation is out of balance today.  This imbalance is manifested by corruption, riots, immorality, obesity, entitlements, racism, brain washing, lack of common sense, the killing of each other (abortion) and over control by a government with an agenda of getting more power. (We got too lazy.)

My opinion is that we allowed members of each party collude with each other too easily.  A kind of "I scratch your back if you scratch my back." situation. (Lobbyists are paid to do this.)   We cannot allow this to happen.  The mindset of our legislators has to change. Legislators should focus only on maintaining the balance of the universal forces to assure survival of the society. That's it!!!

One of the major flaws in our Constitution and Bill of Rights is that they are written in a "live" language.  Meanings of words can change in a live language. (It used to be that the word "cracker" meant something you eat. Now it is a racial slur).  I believe the Constitution and Bill of Rights should be written in a "dead" language where the meanings of words cannot change.

We are all brainwashed by the influences around us.  Some forms of brainwashing makes it OK to kill others.  For example:  radical Islam, abortions. 

P.S. Now, we can tie in the concepts provided in earlier posts. “Human Development” (aka. I believe voting age should be over 25 years old),  and our  concept of “home” (aka. Security).

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Am I Nearing the End of What's in My Head?


So much is going on in my head I got "vapor lock" which means the flurry of thoughts up there can't agree on who comes out first.  (Sounds like our political systems and news these days, huh?)

My whole world was turned upside down a while back when I heard a caller suggest to George Noory of that he have Ed Chiarini of as a guest.

Since I download's shows so that I can listen to them uninterrupted by slow internet connection, I retraced where the guest mentioned , checked it out and my whole paradigm on how this world works changed.

I spent months now trying to find a glitch in Ed Chiarini's findings, and I CAN'T.  I've done my own investigations to check out for myself if I find what he finds.  I used different images, checked various timelines, websites, social sites, did the facial and ear biometric studies, and learned how makeup artists can change the appearance of people on YouTube.  ED IS DEAD ON!!!! He's LEGIT and is fighting a battle that I wouldn't want to live in.  His life is threatened daily, he is harassed, and still he goes on because of his strong conviction that the fakes in our government, fakes all over the world be exposed and prosecuted.

I try to spread the word to anyone I come into contact with, and many don't believe what Ed or I say, which blows my mind.

No one can see how we are fooled daily on the news that is spewing out issues like the Boston Marathon Massacre which has a strong presence of fake actors and untrue propaganda. The Gabby Giffords shooting was pure Hollywood with Arizona's Jan Brewer, Sherriff Joe Arpaio, Gabby Gifford, her body guard, the child that was shot, and the shooter were all identified actors.

We all have been played for fools.

I am spending a lot of time these days, trying to make sense of the world we live in, trying to figure out ways to simplify my life, to become independent, and survive what many believe is the end of our country. You can have your laugh at it here:  Entrepreneurs Trading Post

I'm working on one brainstorm right now that at first blush is an exercise in stupidity, but I don't care how others perceive my effort, I think there exists a need for the site I'm building and it will become very important as time goes on.

So, now I spewed out some politics.

Isn't that on all of our minds?

There is a way out.  First, we all have to know what the truth is and we might find it in the strangest places.  Next, we have to work around what's coming in order for us and our children and grandchildren, and family can survive in the future.

This search had me fining all kinds of interesting, new, and useful stuff like aquaponics and rocket stoves, and how Mr Teslonian makes gasoline, motor oil, electricity, and heat with the setup he shows on his YouTube video:

So, the flurry in my head continues and when I get time, I'll share what I found that I think is pretty cool.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Contemplating Turkey Feathers


The turkey feather is very complex. It is well known that each fiber has edges that work like Velcro(TM) so that they stick to one another to provide a lightweight continuous surface so that the air is caught and channeled for flight.

But when I look at these feathers, I see something much more complex.  Each feather has a pattern in it that complements its neighboring feather. 

In order for this pattern to happen, each fiber needs to grow with alternating dark and light colors positioned at the right place to match the color pattern of its neighboring fiber.

And, each feather has to have patterns that complement all the other feathers on a turkey to make the turkey look like a turkey.

In addition to this, each feather is instructed to grow to a certain size and shape to augment flight, warmth, camouflage, and sex.

All of these instructions are in the turkey's DNA which fits inside each cell comprising the turkey.

Who can say there's not a creator involved with this wondrous process?

I can't.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

College Loan SCAM

Nothing ticks me off more than hearing about the debt piled onto students by the government for student loans.

They get taught anything the student wants to learn, are advised inappropriately as to what career to pursue, and rake in a ton of money without accountability.

If a college charges for an education, a product, they should pay for the defective product they put out and not put their costs onto the backs of the students or the tax payer.

I tried to find amongst the 6500+ tenured professors at the University of Wisconsin, who are paid by tax payers, with an idea I wanted to pursue for an invention in the energy field.

I searched for the appropriate researchers because I KNEW they had the equipment needed to make a "proof of principle" prototype of the invention because I visited their labs years ago and saw it.

I sent out several emails to specific professors as well as those in the "Alternative Energy" section asking them if I could talk (or pass emails) with any one of them about the idea.

 600+ researchers in the field I wanted to contact

When I looked into their programs, they were working on all of the OLD TECHNOLOGIES of the 60's. (e.g. wind, solar, biotech...).  No progress, just sucking on the taxpayers for their fun life with nothing to show for it.

So, at the end of the day, when colleges crank out degrees in "basket weaving" and "performing arts" to let the students fend for themselves after graduation and these deep in debt students cannot find a job, the...




Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunshine, Flowers, and Butterflyies.


Scary heading, huh?

But I'm not talking about the accepted definition for this phrase.

I'm talking about an ESOTERIC NEW WORD ORDER... an exercise in entertaining fantasy.

I ran across this website as I was looking for the effects of sound and music on our emotions similar to the effect that David had on Saul  when playing his harp which reportedly was tuned to provide the exact frequencies discussed later.

The great composers like Beethoven, Bach, Mendelssohn, were hired to sooth the souls of their respective kings.  So the importance of music was recognized for a long time.

Knowing me, you should expect me to go whole hog trying to find the latest technology regarding music and its effect on our mental states. I found out that 60 cycles/second is not a good frequency to be subjected to, totally out of tune with the frequencies our bodies were born into. No wonder my brain is so scrambled!!!

Here's what I found.  Hemi-Sync music.

How does this work?  It uses music composed in a way that causes a certain resonant frequency to go through the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The resonant frequency tunes both sides of the brain to the same wavelength in order to manifest a targeted frame of mind: relaxation, calmness, awareness... etc.

So, how does this relate to the New World Order?  Let's get into this embarrassingly weird thought going through my head.

Sunshine, Flowers, and Butterflies

Picture a One World Government that focuses on keeping it citizens happy, productive, and healthy.
This one world government isn't evil, it is supportive of all life on earth.

Here's what the One World Government does.....

It has speakers strewn throughout the world that plays this or this or this at certain times of the day to its citizens to help them be all they can be and happy about it.

Each person attuned to be happy, productive, inventive, loving and caring, calm and healthy to boot.

Better than drugs, better than being controlled by fear, better than languishing in a nursing home because you drank too many 24oz soft drinks.

Nuff said.


Monday, February 11, 2013


I am a Christian.  Yet I have questions.

When I talk with fellow Christians, they often mention going to heaven and wanting to be there.

So then I  ask myself... what does the word "heaven" mean to them?

Here is a list of what I assume they see....

1) To be with God who loves them dearly...  i.e. to be in a place where they can be loved unconditionally.

2) To be in a place that is naturally beautiful, peaceful, pristine, pure, and secure.

3) To be in a mansion with all the trimmings of wealth.

4) Where you can live forever in a youthful body without sickness or worry.

5) To be away from earth, wars, pollution, crime, and responsibility.

6) To live forever with youth and vitality with the job of taking care of the earth and all its creatures.

Then there's other perceptions of heaven....

1) 21 virgins
2) Be at the right hand of God.

I would assume the visions of heaven are as varied as there are individuals on this earth.

My first impression of heaven was to be in church all day and night long.  I didn't like that vision because the pews were rock hard, you had to sit still, be quiet, and behave.  You also had to like what you were subject to.  Being a kid wasn't consistent with the vision.  Hell sounded worse.  I was toast!!!

I'd like to get input on what you envision when you think of heaven.