Why all this hoopla? To get money for a cushy job? Wow factor = $$$$$$$?
One of the things that our eminent scientists can't understand is gravity. Why did the apple fall on Newton's head? (Just kidding.)
I have my own theory on gravity and it's much simpler to understand than trying to understand "vibrations" and all that.
Here goes....
Gravity to me is caused by electron shielding and is electrostatic in nature. (Ever rub a balloon on your hair, then stick it to the ceiling?)
Looking at the picture below you'll see a familiar concept... electrons have a negative charge, protons a positive charge. Negative charges repel other negative charges, whereas negative charges attract positive charges.
Look at the central atom in this picture. It involves a positively charge proton in the middle (red and way off scale) surrounded by an electron. (The electron is herding the positive charges in the nucleus like a sheep dog..)
The atoms surrounding the central atom also have electrons surrounding it, however, these electrons are repelled by the electrons of the central atoms and hide in the shadow of the surrounding atoms. This leaves one side of the surrounding atoms with a net positive charge which is attracted by the electrons of the central atom. (Polar forces.) This attraction between atoms daisy chains and causes other atoms in the neighborhood to attract. The result is coalescing of atoms into particles into planets into galaxies... etc.
I could get into this more... (Quantum theory, photons, probability of an electron being in a certain position, ....) but to me the principle is the same. All matter is pure energy and all we have to understand is where the energy (+'s and -'s) comes from.

Some day we'll build a machine that not only smashes atoms, but smashes subatomic particles as well. I expect what we will find out at the end of all this study is pluses and minuses.
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