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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

IMPORTANT -Website Sales HiJack?

I was wrong in my original post. (Listed below).

The experts I asked were clueless on this.

But, I can't let a mystery be left unsolved.

And the solution was SOoooo simple! UGH!

Here's how I solved it...........

I searched for the bogus email address mentioned in my original post on google, 235 sites showed up.

So I looked in the source code of the page (doing a CTRL-F) where I found the bogus email address and found it .

Then I searched on Google for the code just before the bogus email and ended up with the script code that I searched for.

Found out the script was to mask text so that spammers cannot copy the text email address when they scan text on sites for the @ sign.

Google found only around 400 sites using the script.

For more info... go here...


Original Post....

I was scammed again! By a "not then but now" recognized Scam Site.

I'm too embarrassed to mention what it was and how much I spent with these guys, but they're still around.

Here's what happened....

I decided to follow-up with these guys for not getting the results they promised me... i.e. NO RESULTS! (Sound familiar?)

Went to their contact page to email them as well as call them. There was a "Contact Us" clickable email link, but I didn't want to deal with the more-often-than-not "" and decided to copy and paste the email address mentioned in the text of the page.

So I copy the text "" and paste it into the Sent To line in Outlook. What pasted was "moc.ytiuqeknile@ecivresremotsuc" , tried again by copying the blahblah email address as above and pasting it into NotePad.... same thing!

So I call the company, talked with their poor support person, she did it from her machine and got the SAME RESULT!

So... I'm thinking (Dangerous)... Was this company's poor performance due the their dishonesty or due to some ("unknown to the virus/spyware" companies) hi-jacking virus of people's sales.

Then the question is... "Where is this money going?"

Is the 99% of people who fail on the internet being ripped off? Is that one reason why there's such a high failure rate?

Don't know, but I sent an alert to the WebRoot guys to check it out...

If I find out what's going on, I'll let you know.

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