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Monday, December 24, 2012


Why is it that.......

  1. if we don't "behave", we're dead or worse! We burn in hell forever!!!!)
    What does "Behave" mean? 
       Oxymorons like "Love your enemy", or something more gentle like "Politically Correct", or "turn the other cheek" doesn't seem intuitive to me. How can I love someone who hates me or is torturing me for years?
    If I do behave, Oh the Glorious Life I'll Have"!!!! Friends, Blessings, Attention, Respect (This hasn't been my experience except through lip service, not results.)
  2.  most religions have stories of war, death, destruction, consequences, "end times" and final judgement.
  3. every  god in history is either invisible, absent, made of stone and can't speak.  Some are coming but never do.
  4. it's up to us to interpret happenings to make ourselves better persons. What's better? By whose definition?
  5. there's "good" and "evil". Which is which? Is strapping a bomb around your waist and blowing yourself up while taking a bunch of innocents with you "good" or "evil"?
  6.  nature is vicious yet we call it beautiful and desirable.
  7. some people lie without guilt?
  8. most people run away from adversity.  Hide when they've done something wrong.
  9. most "prophesies" never happen. (A lesson in odds here.  If you're right, you've won the lottery.)
  10.  we exist and interpret our existence as deserved, lucky, smart or blessed?
  11. every human emotion is now defined as a mental disorder?... (  There are times I'm happy and at peace... I'm mentally disordered!!!
  12. I never saw a UFO? or ghosts? or "shadow people"? or anything of value from my government except a place to throw my trash if I pay for it and broken promises?
  13. the "law of attraction" has disappointed and bankrupted more people than helped them.
  14. favors turn sour, good deeds have negative consequences.
  15.  the best "defense" is to return a guilt trip?
  16. getting caught in a naughty results in your anger or fear?
  17. we tend to accept everything we're taught without question, without checking it out?
  18. we have leaders?  Why must we follow?
  19. Why is it that a leader's cardinal sin is to admit a mistake?
  20.  politicians can get away without paying taxes, stealing, and killing people and everyone else  pays big fines, goes to jail, or gets a death sentence.
  21. a person's word means nothing anymore?
  22. Why is it my daughter and grandson are the ultimate victims my good will?
I've come to the conclusion that, at the end of the day,  each of us is on our own.

There is much wisdom in the phrase: "Neither a lender or borrower be."
I'll add "giving" to this phrase because even giving has negative consequences.

Poopy me.

OH!  One more thing.  Why are bug attracting porch lights placed next to the door?

Friday, December 7, 2012


Two Images, Two Links Tells All

The top image was obtained from Revolver Maps which I believe is real time.
The bottom image was obtained from NASA's new Eyes on Earth site.

My questions are... 

My first question is....Where did the top image come from? It only shows ice on land. NASA's site can show ice cover throughout the year. Nasa's image (bottom) was grabbed from the September 2012, the time when most of the ice should be melted.

My second question is.... on NASA's Gravity Map, the current pole region shows less gravity over water and more gravity over land.  Ice floats. So, if ice is less dense than water, it would displace more dense ocean water which would cause the 1/2 inch in sea level being touted today.  Less dense materials will manifest less gravity.

My third question is.... why is gravity getting larger over land masses?  Ice/snow over land would add to the gravity manifested over land because the added snow/ice would add mass. (which the gravity map shows). If, the mass of the arctic icecap is indeed getting less through melting, we should still see a minimum of zero change in gravity. (Salt water is more dense than fresh water.)

So, who are we to believe?  What the media tells us?  Or what our perverted logic tells us?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mystery Radio in Background

Hear a Mystery Radio in the Background?

No, its Not Galactic Frequencies.

I just heard a caller on CoastToCoastAM with Ian Punnet. (Nov. 23, 2012) who heard a radio in the background and was trying to figure out what it is.

I heard the same thing and was thinking I had a tooth filling, or a piece of metal in the house that picked up the radio station (like a crystal radio).

After years of hearing it, I finally discovered what it was.

My refrigerator!

After a cooling cycle, the freon (?) boils in the cooling coils as they warm making the hissing and buzzing sound exactly as the caller described, making the mystery radio sound.

Now I subconsciously listen for the cycle to occur again 'cause its sooooo coool!


P.S. This caller also suffered a minor case of tinnitus.  I suffer varying degrees of it depending on where I am and what I have turned on.  I have almost eliminated mine (which got quite loud at times) by getting rid of the new florescent light bulbs in the house and wrapping aluminum screening around my smart meter.,  I have a few of these curly-cue bulbs in the house and every time I turn them on I suffer tinnitus for a few hours afterward.  A cashier at a local store had to move to a bedroom farthest away from her "Smart Meter" to get some tinnitus relief.  I believe the transmitters in the new Smart Meter Compliant devices in our homes are a major source of tinnitus.

Good bye, aluminum foil hat.  Hello aluminum foil earmuffs.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Who Says?

Yes, I've been absent.

The reason is that I wanted to get my bearings regarding all this political mumbo jumbo going on out there.

This drove me nuts, so from now on, consider this blog as being posted by an insane person.

Here's my conclusions since my last post.

1) What do we need leaders for?  Especially leaders of countries or states.  Who told us we need them and why do we accept this concept?  If you think about this "leadership" concept long enough, it sounds as ridiculous as the concept of "racism".  Someone invented these terms to divide and control.

Now think about it.  At the end of the day, who controls or influences your day to day activities?  It's not your federal government, it's not even your state government.  It is the people in your neighborhood, like family members and neighbors.  Beyond that, we have no idea who the designated "leaders" are.  For all we know, they could be liars, cheats, or honest-to-goodness good people.  There's no telling.

All I know about our Federal Government is the threats I get if I don't pay my taxes, or if I fail to abide by some tens of thousands of laws.  These people, who I never met, who I don't know, will come to my house and throw me into some prison if I don't do what they say.  Sounds ridiculous from the start.

Here's my take.  If we mess up in our small world of family and neighbors, we'll get chastised immediately and learn how to deal with the situation.  Think of it like a smack in the head from your father for goofing up.  You'll learn immediately what you need to do to survive your local conditions. If someone dumps a bunch of poison into your water supply, you've got a problem. So, what does man do, anyway?  They take their guns and shoot the guilty, move to another place that's clean and start all over.  (Seems like, eventually, humanity will learn to not mess up, else face guaranteed consequences.)  Small wars are better than big wars. Fewer people suffer and die that way. (Insane comment for sure.)

2)  I stated this before.  The term "racism" is absolutely STUPID!  Why do we even pay attention to this concept.  We are all God's children, never had a say as to what we look like, or what color our skin is, yet, there's people who think these traits are worthy of note.  Come on now!

3) Taxes. UGH!!!!  Why should we toil and sweat just so someone else can take away the fruits of our labors?  Who has a right to MY stuff?  I figure, if I made it, it's mine.

4) "Tax the rich."  Now how stupid is this? VERY STUPID.  Rich people get rich because they steal from you by force, or they supply something that you want or need.  Folks, money will ALWAYS run uphill. Tax payments will always roll down hill.  In other words, THE RICH NEVER PAY TAXES. They just add any taxes they have to pay to the price of what you buy from them.  Prices would be much lower if we could eliminate the wages of tax accountants, tax lawyers, lobbyists, and wasted time expenses that are added to the price of what we buy.  Market forces, like competition,  would determine the price we pay at the end.  It's that way, anyways.

5) I look at the office of the president.  He's got to be in charge of the military, has to be in charge of diplomacy, civil rights, budgets, EVERYTHING!..  How can one person be an expert in EVERYTHING?  That's CRAZY!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

And No One Will Go to Jail?

There's a lawsuit in progress involving the theft of 49 TRILLION dollars from us.
And no one will go to jail...

Here's the story... (I'm not going to write anything, you make your own conclusions.)

(Click Links below.)


Monday, October 29, 2012


 This post is related to Gravity Explained and ties in with John Hutchison's work.

We'd better get our act together before this happens to us. 
Star Wars is here? (Apparently shown on CNN.)

Sent this email to Linda Moulton Howe ( to tie all this together.
Hello Linda, I consider gravity to be an artifact of electron shielding by the nucleus of neighboring atoms. This shielding results in a net electrostatic attraction between atoms (much like hydrogen bonding) that causes gravity. ( If we consider the work of John Hutchison, (, we can see that he is seeing gravitational effects by working with electrostatic fields. He experiments with electrostatic fields which can disrupt the molecular structure of materials, or cause imbalances in electron densities in a solid depending on the electromotive force used as well as the frequency used. Your study of the stone circles in Africa uses a different technique to affect imbalances in electrostatic distribution in solids, and that is sound waves. The vibrating molecules set up electrostatic imbalances in solids. It all has to do with frequencies and the speed of light/sound in various media. To me, resonance is the key to many of the phenomena seen in these strange observations and artifacts seen in crop circles, UFO’s, and other unexplained occurrences around the world. There is intelligence manipulating these forces, many of which I feel are human based. (Black Ops) Take light, for instance. It shows an electrical component joined by a magnetic component at 90 degrees. A quantum leap between one atomic orbital to another produces a photon (piece of light) that detaches from the molecular assembly of matter. This electromagnetic energy has been knocked free of the electrostatic imbalances present in matter. I am by no means a true scientist and what I’m saying here may be total garbage, but in my mind, it all makes sense. Eric Miller

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Truth About Sanctions

Prior to Shock and Awe, the NATO placed sanctions on Iraq.
The result was millions of innocent civilians suffering and dieing.

Shock and Awe destroyed Iraq's ability to make and store food.
Again, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of innocent Iraqis died.

Now, it's Iran. Sanctions have decimated Iranian currency, and who is suffering? Those same innocent (U.S. friendly) citizens who want the current leaders to go.

Sounds more like a globalist's effort to reduce world population, than dealing with nasty leaders.

Esoteric Agenda

Nasty, Lieing Politics Wins.

I just heard an expert talking about behavior modification that said good guys never win in politics.
Regardless of the truth, nasty politicians have won "every" time.

Now, to see what happens w/Romney.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tennesee Governmemt Partnered with...

Concerned Citizen's Public Notice

Tennessee Government partnered with WHO?
Click Here to find out....

In a Nutshell Flyer Downloads..

Click Here and a list of files will show up.. click on file name you want to see.
Right Click on file name and select "Save As" to download and print.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wimpy Thin Skinned Pansy Sissy Wooses

"Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

"I torture those that offend me by dumping them into a
septic tank to be eaten slowly by hungry bacteria"

Our World is Filled with a Bunch of
Wimpy Thin Skinned Pansy Sissy Wooses!

I am getting sick and tired of all this stupid "politically correct" garbage that I'm hearing from everyone!
  1. People getting angry because a certain word offends them.
  2. Jihadist's killing people because something offended them.
  3. People getting PO'd because someone gestured in a wrong way.

Well, I call all of those above...


How is it that a word or gesture can upset people?

Words and gestures cause no harm.

Are we all cowards? Whiny children? Too "sensitive" to be able to handle some controversy?

Taking Offense is a Sign of a Weak Mind

Resorting to Violence is a Sign of a Weak Mind

It's time for all of us to GROW UP and TOUGHEN UP!

It's time go grow up folks. It's time learn how to take flak and insults without going berzerk.

It's time to be free to say what we want, when we want and take the same from others without getting all bent out of shape.

Being offended does no harm!

You might counter with "But words are MENTAL ABUSE!"


Mental abuse means you don't have the mental strength to not make a big deal out of it. That you've been brainwashed into thinking words and gestures are important. They will be important to you if you make them important. So, why let words or gestures be important?

If someone give you grief, GIVE IT BACK! (Verbally, gesturally.)

I do not abide by inflicting physical harm in response to a verbal or gestural attack. That's NUTS!

So, How do We TOUGHEN UP?

I propose the following......

Let's get groups of diverse people (different races, religions, occupations, and government employees, politicians, and every other kind of folk) together into a room and have them concentrate on giving everyone else as much verbal and gestural abuse as possible. Each person honest with themselves and honest with others.

Let the slurs fly.

I expect, after enough of this treatment, that the participants will realize that what's said or gestured is no big deal. Everyone walks out of the room alive. And, after a few sessions, they won't walk out mad. Been there, done that. No big deal... kinda boring, actually.

Get my point?

Join the...

"I'm NOT A Wimpy Thin Skinned Pansy Sissy Woose'

movement. You'll be glad you did.

Don't be Wimpy.........BE HAPPY!!!!

Serif WebPlus X6

Monday, August 27, 2012

Get Your Money Out of Your Bank if You Want to Keep It.

Here's an email I just sent out..... READ IT!!!!

Below you’ll be able to find a way to Fax the Senate and Congress to stop this.
You can fax over the internet using the free trial on

This is important….

I just heard about this on Aug 25, 2012 show – 4th hour.

Their recap of this hour is this.. (copy/paste) from website….

“John Truman Wolfe contended that the financial crisis has been orchestrated in order to collapse the US dollar and replace it with a "global monetary authority, which is essentially a global financial dictator for the planet." While he conceded that this sounds extreme, Wolfe revealed that just such an entity, known as the Bank for International Settlements, was created in 2009 at the G20 Summit. The BIS, he said, serves as central bank for all the centrals banks of the G20 nations. Wolfe warned that the "fiscal autonomy of the United States, whatever there was of it," was usurped by the BIS when President Obama signed on to the agreement. He suggested that, since joining the BIS requires Congressional approval, people need to contact Congress and demand regulatory oversight be added to the agreement.”

Check out this site to see the structure of the World Banking System... that is now controlled by the BIS (Bank for International Settlements)


Below is my re-cap of what I heard… (maybe some errors, not sure) but here’s my take….

If you listen to Harry Reid or Allan Greenspan or Ben Bernanke or Tim Geithner and understand the words coming out of their mouths, you’ll understand that they are masters at saying NOTHING! All confusing gobble-de-gook on purpose.

The financial crash of 2008 and 2009 was staged by the major banks in New York for the purpose of taking down the United States and the United States Dollar which has been the stable currency in international finance for 70 years.

During the confusion in 2008-2009, the US dollar was replaced with a GMA (Global Monetary Authority) at the G20 meeting in London, April 9, 2009. The GMA (not the US Dollar) represents financial dictatorship for the planet.

The name of this entity is called “The Financial Stability Board” which was put inside of “The Bank for International Settlements.” Based in Basel, Switzerland. (Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner are members of the board of the Bank for International Settlements!)

The Bank for International Settlements is above the law! It’s employees are immune from prosecution, they have their own military on the property. It’s an entity in and of itself.

The Bank of International Settlements has been around since around 1930 which was created to monitor reparations payments following the first world war. It then morphed into this kind of international bank - a Nazi oriented bank that filtered money into the Third Reich.

It has since then morphed into the premier bank on earth.

“The Bank for International Settlements” is the central banker’s central bank. So all of the 55 central banks of the world that print the money and control the interest rates for their respective countries are members of the Bank for International Settlements (i.e. our Fed, European Central Bank, Bank of Canada, Bank of Japan, Bank of Italy… etc.)

So now, The Bank for International Settlements can control the currency and interest rates around the world… they can control any country they wish using monetary policy.

They are now in control of our FED and our money and the interest rates that we pay. (Yes, there is a DARK side to the low interest rates we have today. The FED is owned by major banks (Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, .. etc.) These banks will lose a ton of money if the interest rates go up! Bernanke is controlled by these banks and does what these owners of the FED tell him to do… i.e. keep the interest rates low so these banks can make a ton of money. (Through derivatives.)

There’s 1.1 Quadrillion Dollars of “derivatives” that are bets made by these central banks. 600 trillion of these dollars are bets on where interest rates will go. 228 trillion dollars worth of these bets (interest rate swaps) are held by U.S. Banks. If the central banks win the bet, they make billions of dollars. If they lose the bet, they go under. Remember the bail out?

A quadrillion is a million trillion. To get an idea of the size of these bets think of this. If you spent one million dollars a day from the time of Christ, you wouldn’t have spent a trillion dollars! And these bets are in the realm of a million trillion!

It was the Bank for International Settlements that caused this financial mess we are in right now. (Aside from the Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac mortgage fiasco.) They are about finished with trashing Europe… Greece first, then Italy, Spain, etc.

This Bank for International Settlements is now in control over the finances of our entire planet. (Accomplished by a signing of a “treaty” or “executive agreement” by President Obama at the G-20 meeting in London and needs congress’s approval. The G-20 meeting is a meeting of the 20 most industrialized countries on Earth. President Obama did not even submit this to congress for approval.) So far, congress hasn’t even looked at it, they are clueless about its existence... They don’t know it exists!

The fiscal authority of the United States has been dished off to a bank in Basel, Switzerland! Congress needs to take responsibility and hold the president’s feet to the fire so that this treaty is submitted to Congress, to put into place regulators and checks and balances over these international bankers. This can be done so the bankers of the world do not “run roughshod” over the world’s finances.

The answer to this financial mess should be done like this…

  1. Money should be backed by products, real estate and production, not GOLD. For one thing, there isn’t enough gold in the world to back up currency and the price of gold can be manipulated.

  2. The amount of money printed would be limited by the value of the products, real estate and production a country has/produces. i.e. there would only be enough money printed to buy what there is to buy. The more productive a country is, the more money they would have. Plain and simple. You cannot have inflation or deflation, and you cannot have these central banks controlling the economies of countries. The money available would represent the productivity of the country.

Steps to take.. (if you can)

  1. Get "junk" silver, put some greenbacks into your mattress, don’t leave you money in your bank because you might not be able to get it if the banks close for a “holiday”
  2. Pound your senators and congressmen about this threat with phone calls and faxes. (Email is ignored.) Ask “Why was the agreement signed at the G-20 conference in London in 2009 not brought before the congress for approval? If they approve it, they should make sure there is oversight over these international bankers, preferentially by the GAO (Government Accounting Office.)” Some fax numbers can be found at and (2011 List so be careful your senator and congressmen are the same as the current 2012 ... just easier list. It is hard to find a complete list of house member's fax numbers because many of them don't want them published.) Try

  3. Get the FED audited again. This audit approval has been passed congress, the Senate now needs to pass this FED audit ….NOW!) The last time the FED was audited (somewhat) it was caught doing illegal things. (Bernanke spread 16.2 trillion dollars to his banking friends globally.)

If we (that means you and me) don’t act now, we’re toast.

REPEAT: Congress needs to look into this and put into place regulators and check and balances on this GMA (Global Monetary Authority), The Senate has to pass this.

On April 2, 2009 at a G-20 meeting in London, a financial dictator was put into place. We must stop this NOW!!!

A good reference book about this post is:

“Crisis By Design”,By John Truman Wolfe

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ethanol in My Gas? NO WAY!

I have been wrestling with my aging car for over a year now. I rarely drive it and it sits for long periods of time between driving.

One of the reasons I drive as little as I can is to keep this car as long as I can.

I was a Shell customer for years. The reason was that I'd get 2-3 more miles per gallon with Shell than with any other brand in my early years of logging mileage. So, with this car, I tried to drive solely with Shell in the tank.

Then last year, I started having problems with the shifting of my transmission. It would start jerking and I thought... "On no! Another problem to deal with."

My car is a 1993 Buick Century Custom... A great car, runs quiet, has plenty of zip, and gets good gas mileage.

As I drove this car the last year, the transmission was getting worse, and then I noticed that I was getting oil leaks around the main gaskets. The car started running rough, and it was getting worse.

I tried to limp this beater as long as I could, but knew financial disaster was just around the corner.

The rest of the story.....

Then, one day, I noticed that the closest gas station started selling ethanol free gas. Then the lightbulb hit me. I remember hearing that older cars were not built to handle ethanol in their gas, and I remember the problems I had with internal swelling of gas lines in a Weed Whacker that I picked up at an auction.

I also remember making the mistake of putting regular gas station gas in my boat and the problems I had with that.

Could it be the ethanol in the gas that was drying out my gaskets?

So, around March this year, I decided to burn only ethanol free gas in my Buick to see what would happen.

It didn't take long for the oil leaks to disappear, but the engine still ran rough, and the rough running confused my transmission. (Which caused the jerking while shifting, I found out.)

As time went on, I decided that the plugs were fowled and so I put in some injector cleaner into the tank to see if that would make the engine run smoother. First go around didn't do much. But there was a little improvement. So I kept filling up with ethanol free gas when needed.
As time went on, the car started running smoother with less transmission shifting problems.

The car started running smoother, and two weeks ago, the car stopped killing when nearing a stop. (Confused transmission.)

The last two weeks have been miraculous. Not a problem with the transmission, the car is running smooth... in other words.. I got my car back.

I decided to go whole hog, and put in a bottle of "Sea Foam" to clean the engine as good as I could as well as stabilize the gasoline. Perfect!!!! I looked for the MSDS for Sea Foam and found out it contains "Naptha" and isopropanol. Now the Naptha comes in all kinds of flavors, it is basically a fraction tapped of during refinement of oil. It contains "nasties" like aromatic hydrocarbons which (if I recall right) was needed by the gaskets in internal combustion engines to keep them sealed. The aromatics swelled the gaskets to keep them tight.

My belief is that the ethanol in gas slowly extracts these aromatics causing the gaskets to shrink. The shrinking gaskets eventually caused leaks in the engine that fouls out spark plugs, causes oil leaks, and as I learned, messed up the shifting of my transmission.

I heard on the radio, that any car made before 2007 could not handle ethanol in the gas. Why 2007? Because it takes perhaps four years for the ethanol to extract and shrink head gaskets.

I wouldn't doubt that there is a car manufactured today that won't be damaged by ethanol in the gas. The ethanol will insidiously destroy an internal combustion engine with time. From 2 years to 4 years, depending on the design of the gaskets in the car. Thin sections will manifest leaking first.

So, my advice is to burn only ethanol free gas in your car if you want to keep it beyond 120,000 miles or three years, whichever comes first.

Nuff said... but much more I could say to support this theory. (I are a retired signtist...ya know.)

Thursday, August 9, 2012


I am Going Insane!

... thought I'd share this email I sent to George Noory at

And I thought old age would simplify things... NOT!!!

Here's the email I wrote...

Hello George,

I never believed in the supernatural until things started happening to me about 7 years ago.

The only reason I’m writing you is because of the complexity of and increased frequency of dreams I am having.

What blows me away about these dreams is that the concepts presented are totally foreign to me.

I cannot, for the life of me, consciously remember any triggers that would cause these new creations in my mind.

I believe these strange dreams started shortly after being visited by Jehovah’s witnesses. One of the Jehovah’s witnesses is an extremely fascinating person. He is extremely intelligent and knows everything I know about: from physics to politics to ancient history, to you name it, he knows it. I truly like and respect this man.

My first dream showed me that I dream in color. How did I find out? Because in this lucid dream, my living room was filled with grey silent people. All of them had a “born again” smile. As I collected my thoughts in the dream, I demanded that, regardless of the perceived good intentions seen on their faces, they were trespassing… so I ordered them out of my house… It took some persistence, but they slowly walked out my kitchen door while “born again” smiling.

The second dream of note was much more bizarre. It started with a trip to a small town on the outskirts of London to attend a seminar about internet marketing. Getting to the seminar from the airport was a nightmare. I got lost along the way to the hotel where the seminar was to be held. I recall in detail the train, cab, bicycling and walking needed to get to the hotel. I recall the protests against big government along the way. I recall registering and getting a room, and going to the seminar…. The detail in these dreams was amazing! Each board, each nail, each brick, each reflection was seen in vivid detail. The settings were extremely complex and strange. The main theme in this dream was confusion… i.e. getting lost and going from place to place to find something…

In this dream I sought three things… 1) The hotel, 2) Searching for smokes and 3) trying to find my way back to the hotel (from which I was locked out of while taking a walk around the block after the seminar.) The dream was about searching. Each scene was extremely crowded, cluttered, strange, colorful and complex. I even had a cop help me find a place where I could find cigarettes in the massive “no smoking” mall I went to.

The third dream of note was even more bizarre. Again it involved a trip to somewhere in the England/Scotland area where I got lost again. The main theme for this dream was trying to get to the airport after a meeting with potential venture capitalists. The trip involved losing my wallet and my search for it as well as trying to find Marty, who was to accompany me to the airport to make sure I wouldn’t get lost. (Of course, I lost Marty in the crowd.) It was at Marty’s house where we had the venture capitalists meeting. Again, the scenes were extremely complex, creative, colorful, and bizarre!!!

To illustrate, I will describe some of the scenes to give you a taste of these experiences.

1) The internet marketing instructor was a single woman. She was a single mom who had, what I thought, three children as seen through the hotel window while taking a walk after the seminar. I found out I was locked out of the hotel after the walk.

During my travels that night, I saw the instructor again in a bar as a rock star on the stage, and then again sitting at a table after the show with at least 30 children and some of her band staff. ( I felt a strong bond between one of the children at the table.) During this scene, she got a cell phone call after which she announced… “He wants me to have another kid.”

2) Third Dream. Accompanied by nine (I think) prospective venture capitalists after losing Martin in my search for the airport the morning after the venture capitalist meeting. Again, extremely crowded, extremely complex, high-definition, millions of colors settings.

On this particular journey, one of the people I met said he knew how to get back to “Marty’s Home”. We went to his home and entered his parlor, a rather antique, quiet, mundane room. There were double mahogany doors on one wall which he opened while asking me if I liked pets. I said “Yes, I have four dogs and two cats.” (Which I think he didn't hear) as I followed him into this second room, In this room I saw that he had aquariums, hundreds of them, each with miniature (strange looking) dogs in them, each dog sitting on a designer bed with red bows around their necks and diamond bracelets on their left front legs. He said each of them had a name and they must be treated kindly and with respect. I also noticed that he had thousands of tiny frog pets on the floor, miniature cats and farm animals were everywhere. I had to watch where I stepped.

Then a camera crew came in, the lights went on and this guy gave an interview about his professional fishing program. (Another “rock star”.)

After his interview, he told us we were close to “Marty’s house” and told the nine venture capitalists that we were close to their home, too. They lived in a row of houses that looked like outhouses.

While walking to the nine venture capitalist’s outhouse looking home, I saw “Marty’s” house where we met the night before between the buildings we passed . I wanted to check this out, to get my bearings for the next morning. So, I left the venture capitalist's house to see if I could see Marty's house again. One of the nine venture capitalists yelled out of the door as I left “We’re in row house number 19!”.

As I walked down the crowded street, I went past an open air auditorium where there was a wall sized screen of a rather complex slot machine. The show was like a TV game show with prizes. As I passed, someone won a prize and the celebration was a dance routine that involved all kinds of people, hundreds of them, dancing in celebration. All in pairs of young and old, children, teens and adults, men/women, fat/thin, beautiful/ugly, tall/short……all paired and dancing happily in celebration of the winner. As this choreography continued, the dancers started turning grey because of dust accumulating on their bodies and flying off into the air.

I continued on the crowded street I passed all kinds of shops selling antiques, electronics, books, art, etc. until I passed a vacant lot where I could see in the distance what looked like a snow covered hill. I went to the hill and noticed that the “snow” was faked. It consisted of ground covered with polyethylene sheeting duct taped together. It looked like ice/snow from a distance! A slippery climb to the top of this hill, (to see if I could see Marty’s house) showed a remote, narrow, "snow banked" highway to somewhere. The whole landscape was covered with the polyethylene sheeting. A fake winter scene!

There were so many experiences in these dreams, it would take a thousand pages to describe each one. Each scene extremely complex, bizarre, colorful, unexpected, crowded with tons of people, and experiences I’ve never had before.

After thinking about these dreams, I realized they involved my “sins”. One is smoking, the other is focus on money (I’m totally broke and in debt.). All of these dreams started when the Jehovah's witness introduced me to his spiritual world.

I never realized how powerful my brain can be until I experienced these extremely complex and detailed dreams. Each had a plot that flowed logically but totally bizarre.

Thought I’d share this with you before I go totally insane.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Did You Know....

  1. Did you know that bacteria are too heavy to float in the air?  They will fall down to the surface in still air. I'd expect the same thing happens with particulate matter in the atmosphere.
  2. Did you know that most bacteria cannot survive dessication? They dry, they die.
  3. Did you know that "constant humidity salts" will maintain a constant humidity in a closed container?  Great for humidors.  Just make a saturated solution of the salt, add more of the salt so some undissolved salt remains.  This mixture will suck enough moisture out of the air in the container to keep the humidity in the container constant.  A saturated solution of table salt will maintain a constant humidity of around 72%. See Table on link.  These salts can be ordered  through a chemical supply site.
  4. Did you know that Legionnaire's disease has been found in hot water tanks set at 120F?  The only way to make sure you don't get Legionnaire's disease is to set you hot water heater's temperature to 130F.  See CDC and the survival temperature table on Wikipedia under Prevention. Notice the 5km range survival of these bacteria.  Humid conditions.. i.e. not dry.

I Declare Copyright for "Starve The Beast"©

As the title says, I declare ownership of the phrase "Starve The Beast"© .

"Starve The Beast" Copyright© 2012, Eric J. Miller.  All rights reserved.

So what does "Starve the Beast"© mean?

"Starve The Beast"©  means to deny sustenance to any evil activity, organization, or individual.

It describes a process whereby any support for an evil practice of any kind is eliminated.

From my point of view, it is a way to make it harder for commies (any liberals here?)  to infiltrate our government, to brainwash our children, to mislead anyone, to put a biased spin on something, to tell half-truths, and any other activity or process that unfairly hurts mankind.

As you can tell from some of my other posts, that I do not like to be controlled, I do not like to be told what to do or what to think, I do not like being scammed, I do not like too much power in concentrated in one place, and  I do not like stupidity.  (Seems I hate myself with this comment. Oh well.)

One strategy can be to boycott any store that promotes or takes advantage of a liberal agenda.

I spoke of this before.  If it's free from a liberal source, get it and burn it.  (BC Magazine... Broadcasting and Cable Magazine is an expensive publication and it has to cost the liberal provider of this free magazine a lot of money.  I get at least three copies a week!  This magazine is rife with liberal opinions, tons of distractions, and time wasting nonsense.  I don't care to spend my time reading about Charlie Sheen or a new sitcom called "Anger Management" or Emmy nominations.  Most of the entertainment these days is full of leftist propaganda.)

So, starving the beast means... don't improve their ratings by watching them.  Boycott anyone who advertises on these liberal channels as best you can, get as much free stuff from these propagandists and burn it. Don't waste your valuable time reading or watching this stuff.. they are trying to brainwash you into a mislead "believer" and follower.  The agenda is destructive, will hurt you in the end, and could bring down our country.  ( On the other side... I advise you to get sucked into this if you enjoy living in a sewage and disease infested shanty town, because that is where this line of thinking will bring you.)

I hope you get my drift..

Wasps and Hornets

Thought I'd pass this on....  (Think I made a post on this before... too lazy to look today.)

I was listening to a gardening show on the radio today, and a caller wanted help on controlling wasp nests that were invading the north side of his home.

For years, I had the same problem with hornets.  I got stung a couple of times trying to spray their nests with Wasp & Hornet killer, and it seemed to work temporarily, but the hornets would come back to the same nesting area.

I then found out I could get diatomaceous earth which is an FDA approved insecticide.  Diatoms, those tiny little critters floating around in our oceans are made of silica, an extremely hard substance.  The diatoms protect themselves by growing sharp silica spikes on their bodies.

I watched a research project investigating the insecticidal properties of diatomaceous earth (electron micrographs of these critters are cool!) and found out hard shelled bugs get these tiny diatom carcases in their joints.  The diatomaceous earth grinds at their joints to the point where they die of dehydration.

I got some of this stuff and in the evening when it's cool and the hornets aren't active, I sprayed some of this diatomaceous earth into their nests.  It took a few days, but the hornets either left, or died off.  In any event, since I did this, the hornets have disappeared and never came back.  (Two years running.)

Thought you'd like to know.

P.S. Don't kill any beneficial bugs.  (I let "pet" spiders build webs around my house, keeps the moth population down.)

My "pet toads" keep the bugs off of my tomato plants.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Constructive Interference

There is not much in nature that is flat and shiny.

So what?

This is why so what.

We humans like to build things and stretch the limits on what we do with stuff.
So, we build things like metal buildings with flat surfaces that act like mirrors that reflect heat, light,  radio waves and reflections of ourself.

(Guess where I'm going here.)

We also make things that emit waves:  sound waves, electromagnetic waves

and hand waves.

We use cell phones, TV's, radios, garage door openers, microwave ovens and transmission towers for heating food or for communication;  even megaphones so we can be heard.  We use electricity that we get from high voltage wires, transformers on poles, and wiring in our house.  We then sit in front of TV's and computer screens and X-boxes for hours in an environment where we are bombarded with electromagnetic waves of all frequencies.

The electromagnetic radiation we expose ourselves to is much, much higher than natural.

You say... So what?  I don't feel anything.

This is why so what......

Electromagnetic radiation of the right frequency and intensity can break chemical bonds.  You know, the bonds that hold us together.

Now the radiation we are exposed to from a TV, for example, is not much.  The intensity isn't strong enough to do much damage to our tissue.

Now, here is my BUT........ (not BUTT or anterior sit down pad like me.)

We have all kinds of other low intensity emitters all around us... which are bombarding use from all directions.

This can be a problem.  Here's why.  Waves cross each other and there are points where they cancel each other out and others points where they augment each other.  (Drop three stones into a smooth as glass pond and watch the ripples.  Where the ripples intersect, there are bumps, higher points in the water... = constructive interference.)  Then there are troughs = destructive interference.

 Note: Not the best illustration on purpose.

Where the lines cross, the intensity of the electromotive force at the same frequency (or multiples of the frequency) is either augmented or diminished. If the frequencies are high enough and augmented, these points can break chemical bonds or cause a chemical reaction to take place.  Sunlight's UV = Skin cancer, another frequency = Vitamin D.

I picture these spots of constructive interference as "Sparklies".

If we consider our human made electromagnetic waves come from above at all angles, are reflected from all angles and sides... I can visualize some pretty hot hot spots.

If these hot spots cause an unnatural chemical reaction in our body, or splits a molecule apart, two scenarios can exist.  Our immune system can recognize the new molecule as unfriendly and deal with it accordingly, or not recognize it because it mimics something that is supposed to be in our body.  It is these unrecognized molecules that can wreak havoc on our bodily processes.

So, there is no telling what can be manifested out of the billions of simultaneous reactions going on at one time, especially when we continue to increase the amount of electromagnetic disturbances into our environment.  All it would take is one or two genes to be modified slightly where they are now the blueprint for a new/different gene to be replicated in our body.  Tumors, modified hormones, modified enzymes, learning disabilities, ...  NO TELLING,  anything can happen (Maybe that's why I am the way I am).  There is an equal chance that these changes are beneficial.

I've always distrusted studies that did not consider side effects.   For instance, a study could be to determine if microwaves cause cancer.  So rats are exposed to microwaves and no cancer occurs and it is declared that microwaves don't cause cancer.  Based on these incomplete studies, the FCC or other regulating agency will give the go-ahead for a new electronic communication device (Smart Meters?) without any concern that we will get cancer, but nothing is said about our future children having three legs and one arm due to the extra radiation, because it wasn't looked for.  (Thalidomide was not studied for birth defects, the intelligence of the rats was not studied after fed aspartame. Aspartame was approved because the rats didn't die.)  Dogs love antifreeze, tastes good, but it gives them an agonizing death. Search term: aspartame conspiracy

I get poo-pooed by those telling me what I'm saying here is B.S.  (Bachelor of Science?).

I get references that are statements made by major medical researchers or government agencies, of just plain opinions without any specific reasons.  They say there is no data that links, let's say aspartame, to any of the claims made by people.  However, there is no real science to explain the physics, chemistry (same thing as physics, to me.) behind their statements.  They talk about "population studies" that just use statistics which can only describe the effects of the variables studied. Statistics do not cover all possibilities, physics cannot predict three legs and one arm, but it can show that there can be an almost infinite number of possibilities that something can go wrong.  Busting molecules apart is real, what the molecules will do cannot be determined except in the simplest systems.  The main active ingredients are wonderful for your health, but the preservative will kill you.  (And Surprise! The placebo effect is about as good as the treatment.)

We've got a lot to learn.!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Paid Up Credit Cards

What would happen if we all paid off our credit card debt?
(Starve The Beast Strategy)

1) We'd end up with more money to spend on stuff we want instead of interest.
     (Great for the economy and jobs.)

2) The credit card companies would make less profit.
     (Bad for them and for anyone who invested in them.)

     I would expect, if the credit card companies lost  interest income, they would go to Washington and  try to get money from the taxpayers because they  are too big to fail.


(I think another bailout would tick off voters enough to default on  their credit card  debt.  Credit card debt is unsecured, isn't it?)

If the  banks (credit card companies) started to fail, there would be a big sell off of thier stock because their stock would be a bad investment. Retirement funds would be impacted for those not paying attention.

The only  recourse the credit card companies would have is to raise their interest rates on any of the customers (suckers) they have left.. but you know where that leads to... fewer customers, less income for them.  Jobs will be lost in the financial sector. (But who really feels good about working for a company that sucks as much money as they can from their customers?)

Some of the credit  card companies just might try to suck customers from their competitors to  survive by offering lower interest rates.  There could be a feeding frenzy as bank after bank fed upon themselves by lowering interest rates?  They'd almost have to lower interest rates because the momentum towards paid off credit cards would already be in place.

I would expect the biggest credit card companies would be most affected by this loss of interest revenue.

As more and more people paid off their credit card debt, they would have more money and could actually start a savings account!

WOW!  This would be GREAT for the banks because they could loan more money and make a profit that way.  They could loan money for mortgages, new businesses, and to help certain industries survive seasonal money crunches until their profits come in to  pay off their loans.. (Inventors, Christmas gift companies, farmers, fireworks companies.)

As more mortgage money becomes available, more homes and businesses would be built... MORE JOBS!,

More Homes would  be built to provide a better quality of life for more people. Banks would get rich in a good way and working for them would be honorable.

If I look at our currency, one side of the bill seems reserved for good and the other side for evil?

Hmm, I only have $20's in my wallet...

Hey, it has "In God We Trust" on one side over a picture of the White House.  Hmm, seems the designer wanted God there. Was Andrew Jackson considered a bad guy?