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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I just sent an email to my sheriff's office.

I suggest you do the same.

 Dear Sheriff .......

A SMART METER was installed on my property and found out through conversations with my electric company that they can cut off my electricity with the flick of a switch from their main office.

This means they have the power to cut off all electricity to all of the customers they service.
It also means that a terrorist group can storm the main office and shut down all electricity in the same way... flick a switch.

To me, this is too much power in the hands of one company, at one place  where electricity can be taken down.

So I have some questions…

  1. Is the security of the main office at my  electric company sufficient to stop terrorists from flicking the switches.

  2. Does the Sherriff’s Department have a system in place to have backup electricity so that they can function normally if the power grid goes down?  i.e. Is there a plan, electricity backup in place to handle a situation like this?

My discussions with my electric company has me very concerned about the safety of the people in our county and would like to have some re-assurance that steps are taken to avoid a total power shutdown.

Thank you for all of your hard work in this county.  Keep it up.

With Respect,


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