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Monday, October 29, 2012


 This post is related to Gravity Explained and ties in with John Hutchison's work.

We'd better get our act together before this happens to us. 
Star Wars is here? (Apparently shown on CNN.)

Sent this email to Linda Moulton Howe ( to tie all this together.
Hello Linda, I consider gravity to be an artifact of electron shielding by the nucleus of neighboring atoms. This shielding results in a net electrostatic attraction between atoms (much like hydrogen bonding) that causes gravity. ( If we consider the work of John Hutchison, (, we can see that he is seeing gravitational effects by working with electrostatic fields. He experiments with electrostatic fields which can disrupt the molecular structure of materials, or cause imbalances in electron densities in a solid depending on the electromotive force used as well as the frequency used. Your study of the stone circles in Africa uses a different technique to affect imbalances in electrostatic distribution in solids, and that is sound waves. The vibrating molecules set up electrostatic imbalances in solids. It all has to do with frequencies and the speed of light/sound in various media. To me, resonance is the key to many of the phenomena seen in these strange observations and artifacts seen in crop circles, UFO’s, and other unexplained occurrences around the world. There is intelligence manipulating these forces, many of which I feel are human based. (Black Ops) Take light, for instance. It shows an electrical component joined by a magnetic component at 90 degrees. A quantum leap between one atomic orbital to another produces a photon (piece of light) that detaches from the molecular assembly of matter. This electromagnetic energy has been knocked free of the electrostatic imbalances present in matter. I am by no means a true scientist and what I’m saying here may be total garbage, but in my mind, it all makes sense. Eric Miller

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Truth About Sanctions

Prior to Shock and Awe, the NATO placed sanctions on Iraq.
The result was millions of innocent civilians suffering and dieing.

Shock and Awe destroyed Iraq's ability to make and store food.
Again, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of innocent Iraqis died.

Now, it's Iran. Sanctions have decimated Iranian currency, and who is suffering? Those same innocent (U.S. friendly) citizens who want the current leaders to go.

Sounds more like a globalist's effort to reduce world population, than dealing with nasty leaders.

Esoteric Agenda

Nasty, Lieing Politics Wins.

I just heard an expert talking about behavior modification that said good guys never win in politics.
Regardless of the truth, nasty politicians have won "every" time.

Now, to see what happens w/Romney.