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Thursday, September 13, 2012

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wimpy Thin Skinned Pansy Sissy Wooses

"Those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

"I torture those that offend me by dumping them into a
septic tank to be eaten slowly by hungry bacteria"

Our World is Filled with a Bunch of
Wimpy Thin Skinned Pansy Sissy Wooses!

I am getting sick and tired of all this stupid "politically correct" garbage that I'm hearing from everyone!
  1. People getting angry because a certain word offends them.
  2. Jihadist's killing people because something offended them.
  3. People getting PO'd because someone gestured in a wrong way.

Well, I call all of those above...


How is it that a word or gesture can upset people?

Words and gestures cause no harm.

Are we all cowards? Whiny children? Too "sensitive" to be able to handle some controversy?

Taking Offense is a Sign of a Weak Mind

Resorting to Violence is a Sign of a Weak Mind

It's time for all of us to GROW UP and TOUGHEN UP!

It's time go grow up folks. It's time learn how to take flak and insults without going berzerk.

It's time to be free to say what we want, when we want and take the same from others without getting all bent out of shape.

Being offended does no harm!

You might counter with "But words are MENTAL ABUSE!"


Mental abuse means you don't have the mental strength to not make a big deal out of it. That you've been brainwashed into thinking words and gestures are important. They will be important to you if you make them important. So, why let words or gestures be important?

If someone give you grief, GIVE IT BACK! (Verbally, gesturally.)

I do not abide by inflicting physical harm in response to a verbal or gestural attack. That's NUTS!

So, How do We TOUGHEN UP?

I propose the following......

Let's get groups of diverse people (different races, religions, occupations, and government employees, politicians, and every other kind of folk) together into a room and have them concentrate on giving everyone else as much verbal and gestural abuse as possible. Each person honest with themselves and honest with others.

Let the slurs fly.

I expect, after enough of this treatment, that the participants will realize that what's said or gestured is no big deal. Everyone walks out of the room alive. And, after a few sessions, they won't walk out mad. Been there, done that. No big deal... kinda boring, actually.

Get my point?

Join the...

"I'm NOT A Wimpy Thin Skinned Pansy Sissy Woose'

movement. You'll be glad you did.

Don't be Wimpy.........BE HAPPY!!!!

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