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Monday, December 24, 2012


Why is it that.......

  1. if we don't "behave", we're dead or worse! We burn in hell forever!!!!)
    What does "Behave" mean? 
       Oxymorons like "Love your enemy", or something more gentle like "Politically Correct", or "turn the other cheek" doesn't seem intuitive to me. How can I love someone who hates me or is torturing me for years?
    If I do behave, Oh the Glorious Life I'll Have"!!!! Friends, Blessings, Attention, Respect (This hasn't been my experience except through lip service, not results.)
  2.  most religions have stories of war, death, destruction, consequences, "end times" and final judgement.
  3. every  god in history is either invisible, absent, made of stone and can't speak.  Some are coming but never do.
  4. it's up to us to interpret happenings to make ourselves better persons. What's better? By whose definition?
  5. there's "good" and "evil". Which is which? Is strapping a bomb around your waist and blowing yourself up while taking a bunch of innocents with you "good" or "evil"?
  6.  nature is vicious yet we call it beautiful and desirable.
  7. some people lie without guilt?
  8. most people run away from adversity.  Hide when they've done something wrong.
  9. most "prophesies" never happen. (A lesson in odds here.  If you're right, you've won the lottery.)
  10.  we exist and interpret our existence as deserved, lucky, smart or blessed?
  11. every human emotion is now defined as a mental disorder?... (  There are times I'm happy and at peace... I'm mentally disordered!!!
  12. I never saw a UFO? or ghosts? or "shadow people"? or anything of value from my government except a place to throw my trash if I pay for it and broken promises?
  13. the "law of attraction" has disappointed and bankrupted more people than helped them.
  14. favors turn sour, good deeds have negative consequences.
  15.  the best "defense" is to return a guilt trip?
  16. getting caught in a naughty results in your anger or fear?
  17. we tend to accept everything we're taught without question, without checking it out?
  18. we have leaders?  Why must we follow?
  19. Why is it that a leader's cardinal sin is to admit a mistake?
  20.  politicians can get away without paying taxes, stealing, and killing people and everyone else  pays big fines, goes to jail, or gets a death sentence.
  21. a person's word means nothing anymore?
  22. Why is it my daughter and grandson are the ultimate victims my good will?
I've come to the conclusion that, at the end of the day,  each of us is on our own.

There is much wisdom in the phrase: "Neither a lender or borrower be."
I'll add "giving" to this phrase because even giving has negative consequences.

Poopy me.

OH!  One more thing.  Why are bug attracting porch lights placed next to the door?

Friday, December 7, 2012


Two Images, Two Links Tells All

The top image was obtained from Revolver Maps which I believe is real time.
The bottom image was obtained from NASA's new Eyes on Earth site.

My questions are... 

My first question is....Where did the top image come from? It only shows ice on land. NASA's site can show ice cover throughout the year. Nasa's image (bottom) was grabbed from the September 2012, the time when most of the ice should be melted.

My second question is.... on NASA's Gravity Map, the current pole region shows less gravity over water and more gravity over land.  Ice floats. So, if ice is less dense than water, it would displace more dense ocean water which would cause the 1/2 inch in sea level being touted today.  Less dense materials will manifest less gravity.

My third question is.... why is gravity getting larger over land masses?  Ice/snow over land would add to the gravity manifested over land because the added snow/ice would add mass. (which the gravity map shows). If, the mass of the arctic icecap is indeed getting less through melting, we should still see a minimum of zero change in gravity. (Salt water is more dense than fresh water.)

So, who are we to believe?  What the media tells us?  Or what our perverted logic tells us?