Retired Scientist with a raging mind. Each post is different. Find out how gravity works, learn about Gamma Radiation and threats to your health. See what the government is up to. Find out how to Save the world. Check out unexpected links at the bottom of my posts to see my favorite products that I use almost daily.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Whatever Happened to the Best Lie Detector?
It involved infra-red cameras measuring the temperature around the eyes. If someone lied, the temperature would go up... and there was no way to control the temperature rise.
They convincingly said it was an iron-clad way to tell if someone was lying.
I would think the TSA would be for that instead of feeling up fat old ladies or grumpy old men.
(Then, again, testosterone rules!)
Our Human Condition... Nothing is Perfect
Our DREAM is to have everyone get along with each other, all enjoying singing "Kum Ba Ya" around a camp fire. Hugs and kisses for everyone.
Sounds GREAT!
Problem is:
17% of the human race is born without empathy.
20+ % are born with some form of insanity.
These statistics haven't changed in eons. (Although it's tempting to think they are changing now.)
This means there will ALWAYS be conflict. 17% of our world leaders have no empathy.
20+% are partially (if not totally) insane.
There will always be disputes, wars, injustices..... it's part of our human condition.
We must have our military and all the cloak and dagger stuff to survive.
Nothing is going to change that. (Except for ... maybe... electromagnet ear-muffs.... more later.)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Our Delegation Society
I came to the realization that I'm a cranky old man.
Why do I say this?
Because I'm living in the past.
In the past:
1) A handshake was a contract. Each person lived up to their bargain.
2) We fulfilled our obligations.... BY OURSELVES.
3) If we over-promised... we took the hit and made sure what we promised was delivered.
4) A lie was on the top of the list as being the quickest path to hell.
5) We had empathy for others.
6) We lived in reality and faced the challenges it put in front of us.
Now I see:
1) A handshake means nothing.
2) We pass on our obligations to others.
3) We run and hide if we can't fulfill on our promises.
4) Lying is perfectly OK. I'm covered by the contract which says "no promises"
5) If I can pull one over on you, it's your fault.
6) Run away if things get too tough.
Nowadays I see:
- Kids are enticed to go in front of the "Idiot Box" to be entertained by "kill and destroy" video games. Remote killing/destroying without consequences... there goes empathy!
- Parents enjoy the time away from their TV watching kids by escaping into their own TV fantasy land. There goes time with nothing positive accomplished and no memories worth keeping.
I'm obsolete!
I guess it's time for our fantasy land generation to take over. It will be interesting to see how they survive passing the buck back and forth to each other, each blaming the other for their failures or problems.
I enjoy reality. It's invigorating! New challenges come every moment and solving them one at a time is gratifying. I pat my own back over and over again, and it feels good because I did it, by myself, without the help from others. My confidence grows. My independence grows, and my enjoyment of learning new things grows.
No one can compliment you better than yourself.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
My Pinless Pinwheel Project
You can see it at
You ask, why would a person with a degree in chemistry be doing such a low tech thing?
Here's why.
This simple project teaches by example a lot of the fundamental concepts in physics, weather, adhesion, optics, yes... chemistry, lubrication (pencil lead anyone?), aerodynamics, the visible spectrum (What do you get if you mix yellow and red?), the refresh rate of your eyes...(frames per second)... i.e. how fast does this pinwheel have to spin before images start blurring?
There's also the development of eye-hand coordination, the satisfaction of producing something tangible, the ability (training) to read instructions.
Then there's the creative process that gets one involved in improving/modifying the design, graphic arts, beauty and design, art, and ergonomics.
Math gets involved when a 2 dimensional object is transformed into a 3 dimensional product...
i.e printing at 50% gives a product 1/4 the size of one printed at 100%.
Now here I go off on one of my tangents like video games.
Since space invaders, most video games involve destruction or killing of something, be it a zombie freako alien, or drag racer.
Now I'm wondering if the people who spend a lot of time killing and destroying with a joystick lose empathy for others.
I wonder if the "pilots" of the drone planes that remotely kill Taliban or Al Qaeda feel any guilt or remorse of feelings about killing?
This simple Pinless Pinwheel project deals with reality... it makes reality pleasant and rewarding. No destruction, no killing, no fantasy, no running away from reality by diving into fantasy.
Nuff said.. goin' to bed.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Truth Squads
Our nation is in a turmoil. Some say our problems are the result of conspiracies, I tend to agree.
When I see the brainless, mind numbing, ridiculous issues being discussed, the idiotic programming available on TV, the laws in place that help the fraudsters, not the victims, the complexity of our tax system, the thousands of viruses, spywares, trojan horses, and other malicious code which for some reason our operating systems cannot stop, is there anyone honest anymore?
I get crazy when I think about how I have an extremely hard time to find an honest person. Honest people get rarer every day.
So, here's my crazy thought.
Here's what they'll do.
1) First verify the truthfulness of all in their group.
2) Plan strategies to get spies (moles) into every group where there's leadership and take video and record what's being said and shown in these groups.
In other words, infiltrate and destroy dis-honesty from within... like the commies have been doing to us for over 60 years.
Our country is in trouble and needs a conscience. The only way to put conscience into anyone is to let them know they are being watched and no one wants to be caught being dis-honest.
We don't need a national organization. We need independent Truth Squads all over.
From within, invisible, tattle-tales... Yup... we are at war, and war needs good strategy, and war goes by different rules that are not "politically correct."
If ANYONE reads this blog... go for it. (But be careful and think before you leap.)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Who IS This "Rubber Room" Guy?
Here's where you can see my amateur ('cause I don't need to spend tweeking time to get the message across.)
Just go here...
Spreading The Wealth
1) If the wealth of the world was spread evenly over the earth... who would clean the sewers and pump out the septic tanks unless they were forced to?
2) Why do all socialist countries have rich leaders?
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Hmmmm.....
This is a conundrum in my head... here's why.
Whenever you're in a public place and mother nature calls you what do you do?
Yup, you try to find a rest room.
When you find a restroom, what choices do you have?
1) Men's
2) Women's
3) Unisex... which is a small room with a lock on it for privacy.
Why these choices?
My understanding is the choices are there because people want to keep sexual (and bodily function) privacy.
A woman doesn't want any old man lust over her privates and ...
a man doesn't want any old woman lust over his privates.
Now, we've got a dilemma..
A "good looking" gay doesn't necessarily want an "ugly" gay drooling over his privates.
I expect bi-sexuals and lesbians would also appreciate discretion.
So now we have our military.
It's been developed to be mobile, lean, and mean.
Setting up a base needs to be fast and efficient.
Building a ship requires speed (as small a size as possible.), and compactness so that the maximum force can be delivered per mission.
Now, the consequences of getting rid of the don't ask, don't tell policy.
1) The straight troops won't want to go into the standard (efficient) ten toilet seats in a row outhouse used on most bases. Why? Because an open gay would be there exposing his privates and lusting after yours. (i.e. the straight would be brought into the situation. This distracts two troops instead of just one.)
2) The gays, lesbians, and bi-sexuals would be lusting over each other's privates which will distract them from focusing on their mission. If one doesn't know the proclivity of the other, then there won't be two brought into the distraction from their mission.
If don't ask, don't tell is eliminated there will have to be privacy stalls installed into all the outhouses... more weight to transport, more expense, less mobility, a weaker military.
Going further... all public places will have to modify their restrooms from multiple stall rooms to individual "unisex" (one person at a time) rooms to assure the privacy of attendees. Very costly, especially where crowds assemble.
My take.
Keep sexual preferences private in public places.
Ignorance is bliss and no psychological damage will be done to anyone regardless of sexual proclivity.
Keep Don't Ask, Don't tell. It will keep things a whole lot simpler.
If DADT goes away, we'll need TSA agents at each restroom door to make sure no one is cheating!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Isn't It Strange?
- anyone I email or who emails me have no problem communicating, but anyone who took my money in exchange for services seems to have all kinds of email problems.
- my family and friends with whom I communicate with have very few "crisis" problems, but those who I hired to do something for me have all kinds of personal and professional crises that stop them from delivering on their commitments to me?
- that there's no way you can get off a call list and the script "I'm calling you because you asked for information about generating an income from home." hasn't changed?
- that nothing works these days.. government doesn't work, people don't work, honesty doesn't work, products don't work, pills don't work.
- what is the truth one day is a lie the next. (Re: Global Warming)
- prisoners have better benefits and facilities than honest folk in nursing homes?
- laws favor crooks over honest folk?
- that we've miraculously discovered an oil-eating bacteria that doesn't deplete oxygen at just the right time?
- that people are starving when our world production of food is ten times required to feed everyone?
- we have yet to see Obama's birth certificate yet us taxpayers gladly and easily show ours to get a drivers license?
- advertised $29.95/month ends up with a bill for $70.83/mo?
- proclaimed "experts" know less than a stump?
- our knowledge is growing exponentially and we're getting worse off?
- we have more laws than we can enforce? Isn't it strange that the politicians can pick the law that serves their purpose best?
- our security is much worse now that we have more surveillance cameras watching our every move?
- known crooks are still on the streets after 20 or more felony convictions?
- our policemen have to be "tippy toe" when making an arrest else the crook gets off scot-free?
- it's still against the law to sit on a milk crate in New York City?
- credit card companies can change the rules of our contract with them any time they chose without negotiation? Yet any contract we have with others are set in stone unless negotiated?
- "fine print" is so fine that the average person can't read it?
- the words "Promise" or "Honest" no longer mean anything?
- doctors know for sure... but you don't?
- politicians can promise anything and are not responsible for delivering anything?
- we've had optimization and artificial intelligence software for over 20 years that could optimize the well being of all humans, and we don't use it?
- the more money we spend on education the fewer high school graduates we turn out?
- that our grocery bills doubled and the "cost of living" hasn't?
- that the value of the dollar decreased by at least 20% and the stock market is falling?
- Isn't it strange that "Original Formula" Pam contains canola oil when the original formula contained soy lecithin?
Monday, September 6, 2010
I get to Show My Stupidity Today!
Woke up a little while ago and in this wake-up stupor.
Here's some stupid questions to myself...
Reason? To get me out of the box.
1) How many photons does it take to make an electron (proton - Duhhh!?)? Where does the magnetic part go? (Wikipedia "Magnetic moment of an electron")
2) How fast does a black hole spin? How fast does a proton spin? How fast does an electron spin?
3) Photon = electro and magnetic.. believed to be at 90 degrees. re: index of refraction.
4) Drum fish, earth's central heating? Mother of radio activity? a resonance thing?
5) Again, similarity between proton and black hole.. a quantum dilemma?
6) Spin effects, distance relationships
7) Is a spin induced during the release of a photon?
8) Where does the magnetic part of the photon come from when a photon is released by quantum collapse of electron "orbit"? Does it come from the electron when its orbit switched to a lower level? Does this mean that the electron is now smaller?
(I'm liking the idea of getting rid of the discrete particle "electron" and call the area around a proton as being a degree of charge... jumper cables anyone?)
Tons more stupid questions... any help here?
I have not seen much about the "New Chemistry" still not being taught in the schools around here.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Gravity Explained - (Continued)
So, today, I listened to a program that described "The Hutchison Effect"
I can't believe that even this effect that uses an electrostatic field at a certain intensity and frequency (derived from those Tesla coils that were modified so they wouldn't spark like in the Frankenstein movies) fits my definition of gravity. In my mind, there's no holes in my theory yet!
Pluses and minuses.. that's all there is. (Sorry CERN.)
Now, the current Hutchinson Effect work is done using resonant frequencies which makes the effects from using it somewhat unpredictable. The result is that the effects seen are mis-interpreted and I feel John Hutchison saw the results, but doesn't quite understand what happened. This led him to (perhaps) obsessing over maintaining his credibility and his desire to reproduce the effect to save his name as well as the importance of his discovery. (Of course, there's the "TOP SECRET" government shutdown theory, too.)
Although fantastic claims of "anit-gravity", "free energy", "The Philadelphia Experiment", disappearance, melting, splintering, etc. claimed to be seen from the experiment, I can understand why the results can vary so much based on my theory of gravity.. i.e. proton shielding of the electron cloud surrounding the assembly of "atoms".
What hit me was that all the six claimed effects FIT with my theory. What are the odds of six claims fitting with my theory? An external electrostatic field which repels the external electrostatic field of all things assembled.
Here's my suggestions to John Hutchison.
1) Repeat the experiment in a vacuum to eliminate density fluctuations in the air as well as eliminate pathway interferences.
2) Don't use resonant frequencies... you have to go much higher so that there's an exact match between the wavelength used and the distance between the "electron" and "proton". Try to keep the frequency as constant as possible.
3) Focus on very fast switching, i.e. eliminate surges when the device is activated. The intensity of the field used can manifest all the claims mentioned: melting, shattering, floating, disappearing.
4) Do the experiments in complete darkness and at temperatures as cold as possible to get away from constructive/destructive interferences from the electromagnetic spectrum and "inter-atom" distance fluctuations.
i.e. Try to control the electron cloud as precisely as possible.
(My mind now floats to the magnetic part of the electromagnetic spectrum and how the free energy part comes into play... hmmmm.... Wondering now if magnetic fields were included in any of the experiments... Coral Castle?)
(Other thoughts.. which are dumb even to me right now.. but I'll share them. Energy = Mass times the speed of light cubed? ... would that account for "dark energy"?) (Could the expansion of the universe be driven by electrostatic repulsion?)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Re: Esoteric Agenda 0 Initial Thoughts.
Here's what I'm netting out so far...
1) Those in power are absolutely paranoid.
2) Those not in power resort to fantasy to justify their position.
More later.
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
End Times Coming!
The code was just changed again with an additional 2700 pages.
See you in jail!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
IMPORTANT -Website Sales HiJack?
The experts I asked were clueless on this.
But, I can't let a mystery be left unsolved.
And the solution was SOoooo simple! UGH!
Here's how I solved it...........
I searched for the bogus email address mentioned in my original post on google, 235 sites showed up.
So I looked in the source code of the page (doing a CTRL-F) where I found the bogus email address and found it .
Then I searched on Google for the code just before the bogus email and ended up with the script code that I searched for.
Found out the script was to mask text so that spammers cannot copy the text email address when they scan text on sites for the @ sign.
Google found only around 400 sites using the script.
For more info... go here...
Original Post....
I was scammed again! By a "not then but now" recognized Scam Site.
I'm too embarrassed to mention what it was and how much I spent with these guys, but they're still around.
Here's what happened....
I decided to follow-up with these guys for not getting the results they promised me... i.e. NO RESULTS! (Sound familiar?)
Went to their contact page to email them as well as call them. There was a "Contact Us" clickable email link, but I didn't want to deal with the more-often-than-not "" and decided to copy and paste the email address mentioned in the text of the page.
So I copy the text "" and paste it into the Sent To line in Outlook. What pasted was "moc.ytiuqeknile@ecivresremotsuc" , tried again by copying the blahblah email address as above and pasting it into NotePad.... same thing!
So I call the company, talked with their poor support person, she did it from her machine and got the SAME RESULT!
So... I'm thinking (Dangerous)... Was this company's poor performance due the their dishonesty or due to some ("unknown to the virus/spyware" companies) hi-jacking virus of people's sales.
Then the question is... "Where is this money going?"
Is the 99% of people who fail on the internet being ripped off? Is that one reason why there's such a high failure rate?
Don't know, but I sent an alert to the WebRoot guys to check it out...
If I find out what's going on, I'll let you know.
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Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dear Dr. .........,
I worked for an international company in their Research and Development department.
Because I was a chemist, the company had to give me physicals every year.
About mid-way during my career, I was told to watch my diet because my cholesterol was high.
So I did the margarine (bad advice), low saturated fat diet recommended to me by my/their doctors.
Also took up exercising (jogged 5 miles, 3 time/week). Fractured a disk doing this healthy thing... had to stop. Pain for 25 years now.
During these endeavors, my cholesterol went UP!
One morning, I complained to my wife that I didn't like the margarine on my toast. She said, "Then use butter, it's not much." So I did...
The results of the next physical was a surprise! For the first time in years, my cholesterol was down... even though I stopped exercising months earlier.
Then I complained about breakfast not sticking till noon, so I decided to have eggs for breakfast.
Next physical... again... my cholesterol went down! (Was still too high though.)
So My doctor(s) gave up on diet alone management of cholesterol and put me on Provocol. I did not want to have a heart attack.
About 4 years into the Provocol routine, I started noticing that my memory was going, especially my short term memory.
I was scared!
Here I had a technical job that required sharp thinking and I felt like I was getting Alzheimer's FAST! Can you imagine my fears trying to provide for my wife and daughter?
I took gingko biloba, which helped some, especially in the beginning, but the symptoms kept getting worse! Then to other memory enhancing pills like phosphatidylserine and phenylalanine. They helped a little, but the symptoms kept getting worse!
Then I got a letter from an associate in England containing a newspaper article stating the side effects of statin drugs: loss of short term memory, loss of time, ..... THE EXACT SYMPTOMS I WAS EXPERIENCING. I immediately threw out the Provocol and after about 7 months my memory and mental capacity came back!
So I (and many others according to the newspaper clipping) am adversely affected by statins.
Here's my theory on cholesterol.
- It's needed by your body to fight off infections.
- Your brain is built with it.
- The liver pumps out cholesterol at night, only 10% of the cholesterol in your blood can come from diet.
- I believe the liver over-reacts to not having enough cholesterol in your diet... much like the pancreas panics when sugar level is too high so it pumps out too much insulin. The panicked liver over-reacts from low blood levels of cholesterol and pumps out too much cholesterol.
Two things will keep my cholesterol down... 1) Staying away from sugars and simple carbohydrates. 2) Eat some saturated fats... not a lot, just what your body tells you to.
So this business as to WHEN to take statins is a diversion from the truth.... DON'T EVER TAKE STATINS.
We're dumb enough!
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