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Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Lesson in Marxism

Very Compelling, But THINK!  There's a ton of bulldookie here.

Watch this video, then read my opinions below.

(Watch this video, then watch this video again, but this time pause the video at the
end of each segment listed below to see
MY opinions on the garbage presented in this video.)

Most of  the above video is presented with the sole purpose of leading you down a rosy path to accept  Marxism. Don't be fooled.... There's a ton of better ways to solve our country's problems.
WARNING! Don't Get Sucked In.

NOT ONE MARXIST COUNTRY SURVIVED WITHOUT DISASTER DURING ITS SHORT LIFE!  Why do Marxists keep doing the same thing and expect a different result?

Here Are MY Comments.........
Minutes      Comments/Opinions

3:11    3:27       "Glen Beck Version" aimed at denigrating him?  Too much regulation of the wrong
                           sort can be fixed!

3:46    3:55       He starts presenting the Marxist perspective which is "The Only" way to understand
                          the situation. Really?  How's about some other perspective.. where will we end up

6:00    6:07       Is finance capital really the root of the problem? Finance capital is the engine that
                          provides places to work, a way to speed up the building of factories to provide more
                          jobs!  So what if a lot of jobs go overseas?  My previous post explains how to get the
                          "greedy" capitalists to come back to the U.S. to invest and create jobs.
   Yes, labor unions ARE THE PROBLEM!
Why?  Because they have too much power to  bleed their employers and non-union taxpayers
                 dry.  They use strong-arm tactics to force people to join the union so that they can get dues
                 to finance their own interests and the unrealistic promises they gave to their members  
                 which are not in the best interest of our country or of most of our U.S. citizens.

6:12    6:36    Wage repression?

Why? Because of the need to compete with cheap labor overseas.  The obvious "solution" being
                 used by those without a brain is to repress wages in order to keep costs down so they can
                 compete and increase profits.  This is a losing strategy because taking this approach
                 drives wages toward a bottom, ZERO!
                What happened to the assembly line?  Technology is steadily improving processes can
                 increase the speed of production.  Speed of production reduces  the "cost of labor" for each
                 item sold.  Will we lose jobs if this happens.... NO!  Why?  Because there's always a
                 demand for cheaper, yet higher quality goods.  Over 90% of the world's population are in
                 abject poverty.  Poverty causes the population to grow. (Note: Population is decreasing in
                 more affluent countries, it's a natural process which guarantees a stable population years
                 out as more people leave poverty.)
6:35    6:36   Credit Cards
Credit Card Companies are EVIL!
(My Opinion)

           Talk about killing your customers!
                     Our federal government allows credit card companies to charge loan shark rates which
                 the greedy credit card companies do with glee.
                     (I remember the interest rate on my first credit card. It was 7%!  7% allowed the credit
                 card companies to double their profit in 7 years.)  This 7% rate of profit is much higher
                 than most other companies out there.
                    Regulations protect these "
Too Big to Fail" companies. Our government gives them
                 bailouts with your money.

There's a better way to regulate credit card companies.

                     We need to put a limit on the interest rate they charge like we had in the past.
                 They'll whine and complain saying they cannot survive.  But the truth is, they don't want                      to lose their unfair advantage of doing business without competition.

                    Competition is the only way to survive.  Competition causes companies to streamline
                their operations to reduce costs and provide a better service to their customers.
This way
                they would not kill their customers and customers can have more money to spend on goods
                and services which provide jobs.

7:01    END   Let's follow the explanation of Capitalism then note the special interest Marxist spin
"Greedy, out of control Financiers"from minute  8:34 on.                       The solution to this greed problem is to regulate this greed behavior.
                                                        PROBLEM SOLVED!
                         There can and should be more billionaires who have the money to invest in factories
                      and provide jobs to improve their profits and the lives of the workers and society as a

Here's my suggestion for you.
Don't let others think for you.
You have a brain.  USE IT!

Get some brain practice by critiquing some of the other Marxist Videos Here.
Warning! Don't Get Sucked Into This Stupidity.

The comments on this post are the opinions of its author.

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