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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Why We Believe What We Believe

Why do Jihadists believe what they believe. Why do we believe what we believe?

We're all born as tape recorders. Our experiences are recorded based on what we see,

feel, smell, taste, and touch. Our beliefs are based on what we're told. The old addage "Garbage-in...Garbage-0ut" is true for everyone.

Even our most revered leaders have some "garbage" programmed into their beliefs
Nothing is perfect and will never be.

The purpose for this blog is to get you to think about your beliefs. Where did they come from? Who put them there? Was there a purpose for someone influencing you in a
certain way? (Are you being programmed to strap a bomb onto yourself and blowing yourself up? Did your teachers do it? Hmmmmm.....)

Will finish this blog later, but please think about your beliefs until then. Where did they come from? Do you love? Do you hate? Are you better than someone else? Why?

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