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Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Saw a TV program discussing the GULF WAR SYNDROME.

What I got from this show was truly amazing to me.

Here's what I found out.....

1) Everyone's GULF SYNDROME is different so it's hard to determine the exact cause of the complaints our returning veterans have regarding their illness(es).

2) Although I've heard the "conspiracy theorists" talk about the cause and coverup as being depleted uranium, I wanted to wait until the verdict was out.

Depleted uranium is used as armor on our tanks and I believe is also used on armor peircing rockets because it is so hard. When the depleted urnanium is blown-up all kinds of particles are produced which have enough residual radioactivity that the dust can cause chromosomal damage. This dust is breathed in, swallowed, and ends up all over inside the body.

Here's how I see how it works. Our 24 chromosomes regulate how our body functions. They are long strands of DNA that contain instructions for our cells to use to do things like reproduce, how to structure cell membranes to imbibe nutrients and eliminate waste,... chromosomes regulate everything that supports our body.

The residual radiation breaks up these long strands of DNA into peices that float around and can re-assemble with parts from other damaged DNA strands. The result is some chromosomes that are mixed up, can re-produce, and give wrong signals to cells as to how to function properly. The result is a menagerie of cells reproducing and doing the wrong thing! Because of this, there are all kinds of damages being done, some relatively benign, some devasataing (like cancer).

These cells reproduce for the rest of your life which means they do damage for the rest of your life.


Doctors measuring chromosomal damage done by depleted uranium casually used chromosomal damage done by "chemotherapy" as a standard to determine if depleted urnanium damage to the chromosomes was as bad as or worse than the damage done by "chemotherapy".

They use the "SKY" test to measure chromosomal damage.

Immediately I realized that the CAT Scans I get to monitor my cancer (the Dioxin kind) is the "chemotherapy" they're talking about. i.e. monitoring my cancer is giving me Gulf War Syndrome! (That's why "What's in Eric's Head is what's in Eric's head!)

So... are the "conspiracy theorists" wrong? Right now, I don't think so.

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