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Friday, February 19, 2010

Good and Evil

Reminded again that there are opposing forces in this world.

Yep, Good and Evil

I've been told this from day one and I tend to forget that there are indeed evil people in this world. Evil without even knowing it sometimes.

Case in point...

Internet Business Owner #1: "Always provide more value than what you sell."

Internet Business Owner #2: "Sell the "Opportunity", sell the "Dream, That's what they're paying for" ... "Everyone knows that's the way it is. Do you really think people don't know that they'll NOT get what they're paying for? ..that they're paying for the dream?"

Believe it or not... heard these two arguments from two different people from the same company! And they both believe this "in thier heart".

Needless to say, it's a dog-eat-dog out there. Unethical people will lie, cheat, trick, and steal for the almighty dollar at the expense of honest folks. And they're good at it.

So what can an honest person do to find out the truth? Not much these days. Evil people have lawyers, too.

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