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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Addicted to Oil

As I mull over the nonsense I see in politics and our economy, I came to a realization that might explain it all.

President Bush gave us all a clue by saying "We're Addicted to Oil".

Then I see that most of the energy sources we have available on our own land are "off limits" because of some environmental threat. (Most of our Western States are "protected".)

Remember the Oil Embargo in 1973?  The rationing, long lines at the gas stations?

This is when our politics seem to have all gone haywire. More distracting issues and walls put in our way for getting access to our own energy reserves.

All of a sudden we had "global warming", pushes for Solar, Wind, and wave energy.  All much more expensive sources of energy than what we can get out of "carbon" fuel.

Conspiracy theories abounded and are in place today.  Pick and choose which one you want to believe.

Here's what I think is going on......

The oil embargo was an experiment to see what would happen to our country if, all of a sudden, we no longer had access to foreign oil. The result was immediate disaster for the U.S.

Our leaders are given this "bad news" after being elected into office, and immediately see the danger of doing anything that will anger OPEC and jeopardize our nation's security.

So, here we have dance around the whims of our energy suppliers (OPEC mainly) in order to keep our country going. So OPEC says, "Oil will cost you this much, you will pay, or else we'll shut you down".

China sees our predicament as a way to capitalize on our dilemma. They will lend us the money to pay the high oil prices OPEC demands. Now, we are indebted to them. Our only hold we have on OPEC is our ability to defend them with our military.  But, now, China has sufficient military resources to take the place of the U.S. (Using our money we pay to them for our debt to them.)  It is a vicious scheme to control the world.  Our enemies say "Jump" and we have to ask "How High".
OPEC no longer needs us, they have China!

I thought of a way to get around this dilemma, but don't want to publish this here.  This end-run has to be done in absolute secrecy.  (I will pass this info to some people I trust in case I get shut down here.)

So, at this point, The U.S. is toast unless we pay the extortionists.

Sorry for the negativity, hope I don't step on anyone's sensitivities.  But reality is reality and we have to deal with it.

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