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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Anyone who purchases anything pays income taxes. (Let's leave inheritance taxes out of this conversation. We'll leave this to some future blog about government corruption.)

So... Here Goes!

If you purchase something, you purchase it from someone in business. Nuff said.

Now ANYONE who is in business is in business for the purpose of making a profit.

Profits are taxed at some level. (Minus deductions which are the result of honest efforts to increase jobs, aka taxpayers, or dishonest efforts by some to get an unfair competitive advantage, aka corruption.)

Honest businesses will pay their taxes and add their tax costs to the price of the product/service you buy.

So, at the end of the day, rich or poor, or anyone in between pays income taxes.. THE CONSUMER PAYS ALL INCOME TAXES.

So, when I hear about "the rich should pay their fair share", I go insane!

If you want something to buy, then you have to have a business to buy it from.  A business must exist to provide the goods and services you need and want.

So, in order to survive, and for a reason to exist, any business will HAVE TO add their costs to the price you pay, including taxes.

All this bickering between left and right, between unions vs non-union, is meaningless. The bickering exists for one reason only:  TO GAIN AN ADVANTAGE over others.

I think we all have a sense of what's fair and what isn't.  Let's just look at the bigger picture.

You don't want someone leaching off of you.  So it is safe to say that leachers should be identified and banned/removed/motivated to NOT LEACH.

We're in this world together.  Let's be good... OKAY?

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